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Archive through July 18, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2004
Frank A. Currier(Northern Maine)
Me forget? I don't think so!

But I digress (I do that a lot).
Something new (to me) happened this afternoon. I mowed a lot yesterday with Penny (123) put an hour meter on her yesterday evening and mowed more today. She was doing great until she quit - just like that. Stopped. Dead. Nearly full of gas, no fire. Brought her home, cranked her into the CubHouse on the starter, put a new set of points in and if she had lights I could go mow some more. Anybody ever have a set of points go bad just like that?? I've had the wire from the coil to the points lose connection, but to have the points, themselves, suddenly quit is a new one on me. Fortunately, I had a new set on hand and I'd advise anyone who orders from a sponser to have him throw a spare set in with the order.

Marlin, thanks! I shared your moose with an old friend from NJ and it made his day (he's 79).

UNDER EDIT: Do I get a ribbon or a tick for Shadow's butt?
Frank, I've never had one do that for what thats worth. Just to be curious how'd you wire in the hour meter?
Cletus, How close are the 2 originals build dates.
Charlie, did you get that shaft out?
Dave: I cheated hard on the hour meter. Took the positive off the + side of the coil.
That user ID has the wife's maiden name it, but I sure don't remember having problems with a 147.

CRS maybe? Drive shaft, nope.
FRANK - I was mowing 5-6 yrs ago with the 129, made just about one full round around the yard, with trimming around all the trees & bushs takes 15-20 minutes. I was right beside my shop and just like I turned the key off it stopped, no pop, chug, just died.

I forget what all I did to troubleshoot, but finally determined it was something with the points, took points cover off, snapped points open & closed a couple times, tractor started, put points cover back on, never bothered again!
Frank, I think we've found one of your problems.

Charlie so for a time you were Mr.Tschudi.
I find your sarcasm disgusting and without merit. As Charlie and I were discussing a few months ago when I contacted him about some head bolts and he asked why I didn't post more, I explained to him that there were guys like you just waiting to pounce on anyone's misspeak or error. My God, 2,400 post in less than four years, you're really full of yourself. This Forum is no place for this so I'm going back to quietly working on my stuff and you can go back to letting everyone know how smart you are. I will not respond to any more of your post and I truly regret my original post on July 17th.
Frank; I was working my 128 and left it idling for about five minutes and it died, and would not restart. After trying the regular routine i found the points totally burned up. Part of the insulation was melted on them. Two weeks later i had to put in another set and replace the coil. The internal resistor was letting 12.8 volts to the points. No more problems since.
Jim sounds like your engine is running out of gas. I would install a filter and clean above the needle valve in the carb and see if you are getting some blockage from trash in the tank. Another thing is to remove the air filter so you can (SAFELY) spray gas into the carb when it starts to die. This would tell you whether to search for fuel or electric problems.
Morning all.
In the next few weeks I want to put power steering on my 129 loader and have to ask a Question.I want to run the power steering off the charge pump.But I don`t have a ported pump on the 129. Do I have to buy a complete pump?or can the ports be installed on my non ported pump? I hope it can be because shipping a ported pump over here will cost a bunch.

Frank c

you got a spare ported pump over there ?

I am assembling a K321 and can't find a good picture of the crank to cam timing marks. The service manual on Kohlers web site doesn't have good pictures. This motor has the balance gears also, does anyone have some good references?
Back in the bad old days before the forum, I thought a chrome ACCEL coil would spiff up the K301 and maybe help it start faster..It ran good for enough time to get it in the neighbor's woods, ready to haul a load of wood - no internal resistor, burned points, quit suddenly, long walk. I never knew why that coil fried the points 'till I got to reading the forum.

I've never been able to find my first post, I can remember that it took a while to work up enough nerve - IIRC, it was about identifying which 48" deck I had on the 129, I think it was sometime early in '99. I know that Bryan remarked, possibly in e-mail, about my ISP - the dreaded Voyager Networks!!

Where is KentucK????????????
I am convinced this is not electrical. It screams fuel starvation. I have sprayed starter fluid in the throat of the carb with the air cleaner off as the engine dies and can get the engine to respond (increased rpm) but can not sustain this condition but for seconds. What is puzzling as I mention in my previous post I still have fuel in the float bowl when the engine dies (clamp fuel line as engine dies and check fuel level in bowl). I vatted the carb in cleaner an made sure all offices are clear with compressed air.
Anybody, How loose can the throttle shaft be before it causes problems? Mine has about .020" play.
Matt Gonitzke

Matt could you tell me what would be different in the ported and non ported? I did think that only the front of the pump was different
.I changed the shaft in my pump on the 1512 and thought that they were the same plate.Have you got pictures to see the difference in the two pumps? I hope a power steering unit will run off a ported pump? I guess this is not going to be as simple as I thought!
Neither one is correct, the steering column is not fastened to the dash tower at all. The hole in the top of the dash that the column fits thru has a rubber grommet or "donut" that fits the column and hole snuggly and holds the column in place. The steering box is bolted to a angle bracket on the frame, and is the only place the steering box/column is connected to the tractor.
Don T: I do have an extra. Looks like about $80 for shipping.

Gerry: You'd have to remember what name you used for your first post.
GERRY - Since we're talking burning up ignition points, Chrysler put ballast resistors in ignition systems for years. Both the M & Super H have been converted to 12V alternators and a ballast resistor installed. I suppose the same could be done on a Kohler.

Only issue I could see would be cold weather starting with the lower voltage. It would require a lot of rewiring and probably a new ignition switch on most Cubbies, but GM (Chevy for sure) had the coil juiced with 12V on the "Start" position on the switch and reduced to 6V on "Run". But I'm not sure how they did it, it was one of the very few things that never broke on my old '70 Nova. I did have the crimped-on connector fray the wire right at the connection to the points one night. Had a nice mile or so walk with my girlfriend, now Wife to get her car. We were just starting to get my car in position to "PUSH" it out of someone's driveway and down the street a mile when "Officer Friendly" pulled up. He looked in ALL the traffic laws and couldn't find any way to ticket Me, so gave us a "Police Escort" for a mile to a gas station I could leave my car at. Poor LEO was really sad he couldn't find anything to ticket me with. The repair took about 10 minutes the next morning to find, strip a half inch of insulation back & re-crimp the connector.

Shameless plug for a GOOD Sponsor here, but Dave Kirk's Points-Savers should cure this problem, the points just signal the P/S'er and last almost forever.
PAUL - I think your correct, both CC's have modifications by prior owners to remove the steering gear from the top.

Sad, because it's not THAT hard to remove it the correct way actually.

The front plate is machined differently and the charge pump is different. The relief valves are configured differently. Of course it will run the PS...every CC with PS used a ported pump. The simplest thing to do is just replace the non-ported pump with a ported one so you don't have to open it up to mess with it. I would not advocate tearing apart a perfectly good, functional hydro unit.

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