TOM H. - Thanks for the HCOP pic's. Six yrs ago they had that steam engine and two others pull something like a 60 bottom plow. It took a lot of time to get set-up, and the plows were the old style with levers on every bottom to raise/lower them in the ground. And the headlands were HUGE since they had three steam engines and a sqadron hitch to all the plows to get turned around. It took them about ten minutes to go across the field and half a day to turn the thing round. Big Bud or one of Kinze's creations was way faster covering the ground. Even a herd of CC's would be faster!
100 '61/'63 CC's would have been a lot. From the pic's I've seen Sherry had a nice display at her Heritage Iron tent. I'm always amazed at how many off-brand corn pickers come out to play @ HCOP. Around home in the '60's over half the pickers were IH, and about 45% were New Idea, and then there were those few mis-guided souls who used something/anything else. In the 50's the percentage of IH was even higher. The local seed corn co. used ALL IH pickers until they went to NI Uni-Harvesters which could take 4 rows. Their only downfall was they liked to catch on fire. One burned out hulk of one spent the winter of about '74 or '75 in Dad'a big grass waterway about a half mile from his house. Seems like it had a 305 CID GMC V6 engine and trash would settle into the engine compartment under the cab. By the time the operator noticed the smoke he had just enough time to get out of the cab.
I really don't have a problem with MTD having their 50th Anniversary CC there. Like I've said before, I'm really not in the market for a new garden tractor. I'm still trying to wear out my 30 to 45+ yr old CC's I have now. I just hope MTD keeps selling service parts for them. I'm scsred there will come a time the Gov't will put a stop to making/selling service parts for these old Kohler & Onan engines since they supposedly pollute so bad.
100 '61/'63 CC's would have been a lot. From the pic's I've seen Sherry had a nice display at her Heritage Iron tent. I'm always amazed at how many off-brand corn pickers come out to play @ HCOP. Around home in the '60's over half the pickers were IH, and about 45% were New Idea, and then there were those few mis-guided souls who used something/anything else. In the 50's the percentage of IH was even higher. The local seed corn co. used ALL IH pickers until they went to NI Uni-Harvesters which could take 4 rows. Their only downfall was they liked to catch on fire. One burned out hulk of one spent the winter of about '74 or '75 in Dad'a big grass waterway about a half mile from his house. Seems like it had a 305 CID GMC V6 engine and trash would settle into the engine compartment under the cab. By the time the operator noticed the smoke he had just enough time to get out of the cab.
I really don't have a problem with MTD having their 50th Anniversary CC there. Like I've said before, I'm really not in the market for a new garden tractor. I'm still trying to wear out my 30 to 45+ yr old CC's I have now. I just hope MTD keeps selling service parts for them. I'm scsred there will come a time the Gov't will put a stop to making/selling service parts for these old Kohler & Onan engines since they supposedly pollute so bad.