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Archive through August 30, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Thanks for the comments guys. Just so you know,I did that refurbish over 3yrs. ago. It still looks like new though!!! I use a ZTR for lawn duties.
Question: How many quarts of oil do I put into my transmission case. There is no dip stick to measure and I do not have a manual. This is for my ORIGINAL.
Randy, the manual is available for download from the Manuals section on the home page, link is way at the bottom.



If I had some of those plaid pants, I could annoy my wife on a whole new level. The next time I am in a secondhand store, I will look for some.

And to help steer things back on track, I am curious to know if anyone has noticed less hydro pump whine after a fluid change. I can see a low fluid situation causing some whine, but that wasn't the case here.
Keith C. Adams

My wife cleaned out my small portion of our closet ( I think to get more room for here clothes)and threw a pair of bell bottom paints at me.Why are you saving them ?not to be out done by the other half my answer was (I might wear them some day)lol. Well she has used that line in the past. I just mowed my lawn with my 96 craps man and would like to know what tractor I should get ready to replace it in a few years.Must be a hydro because there is WAY to many trees and plants in the way. I have a 147,149, 123,125 to chose from. What does make a good tractor for lawn mowing of these choices?? some help would be nice getting it down to 1. Thanks Don T
Don T-

That shouldn't be hard to decide. Any of the tractors you mentioned will do just fine. If you plan to run a 48" or a 50" I'd take advantage of one of the 14 horse but if you have a smallish lawn and a lot of turning you might want a 38" or 42". It does make a difference. Kraig will tell you the 125 for sure. Do you plan on dedicating this tractor to mowing? If so, I'd give it a lot of thought.

Happy mowing!
Don T.

I would say the 149. It has always been my favorite Cub, I have a 1450, and would snag a 149 in a heartbeat if I could. The 14 horse has always had more that enough power to cut anything I came across, even with the 50" deck. So my vote, on your list would be 149. Or that nice Oliburner you have..... that would work really nice also.....

<font size="-2">I am sure, with one of the models, they will think the only choice would be the 125...... but oh well... I think that one graphic should have a 149 in the perfection area..... rather than a zigzag......</font>
Don T use the 147 for mowing and save the 149 for something that need the hydraulic lift.
I know the anticipation is killing some of you so here goes:


Don, I'm sure any of those 4 would do just fine. It really depends on which one fits you best. They all have the same hydro lever, well the 123 is slightly different, but they all operate with the left hand. Like Scott and Wayne mention if you go with a larger deck the 147 or 149 might be the better choice.
Don't tell anyone that I wrote that...
Kraig McConaughey "Keeper of the Photos"

Go figure guys,Scott yep the 149 would do it smartly. But seems (wife) thinks I have way to many tractors. So I have to defend them so I can keep them. It took a lot more $ and time to get them all here and working,I had much to learn .Then I should say they all work,run .with the help of the Grunt X2 and so ,many more. Thanks guys , all. The 125 needs paint only;y. but the 147 needs paint also.sorry Kraig how many 147 are out there. can`t lose site of this one . I think my 147 with a good deck , might let me keep more Cubs.
Kendal Harvey

(Don T use the 147 for mowing and save the 149 for something that need the hydraulic lift.) You know I have the 1512 diesel with a few changes with the Help of Charlie and Arron at Extreem.The 1512 D won`t go nowere ..Dang it is hard to get them all a good home.So I still have a tiller for a nf to install. I just don`t know what tractor to put that on.everybody must have more than 1 ( ONE) Cub cadet. you can not have to many !

did you fill the hydro filter and bleed the air out and use that CUB ?
Well I can't find that pic of Kraig and his Cigar to go with this

Hydros are best for mowing IF they are foot pedal controlled !
Wayne Shytle

I have a good NF deck with new spindels. I have a few NF tractors that ,that deck will fit and cut grass.I might have to put sings on them for the wife, Tiller,mower,sickle,jobber. Thats 3 !
Oh and loader 129

Ken ! you bit lol ,I still don`t have the Kentuck foot controll you said you would provide , the 129 loader could use that info. Lol need dates ? take it when you can ! if you can live with your choices.IN GT there is only One
This poor 123 has had a confusing life. It has suffered from a lifelong identity crisis!


Kirk Lorenz

that idenity stuff did not hurt it any. I would have no issue bying that. I hope she don`t have key counter on her lap top.
In all defenfence to her we have to down grade somethings.(age thing) Just ain`t starting with my Cubs!
Richard Tunison

Yep smoke cigs,Not so proud of that. I could have had more paintence .We all have our croses , and here you are (posting )_ just how do you know .
Don T.
It didn't stop me from buying it.
Now as far as key counter and down grade....WTH are you talkin' about???
Kirk - You don't speak Kanuck ?

Key Counter on her laptop = A running list of the number of Cubs DonT has by counting the ignition keys.

Down Grade Something = He's getting to old to maintain his collection so he has to get rid of his wife ...