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Archive through August 30, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Don T-

If you have the tiller set up for a nf I'd definitely dedicate the 147 to the tiller. The electric lift will handle it fine. The 149 probably would be your best choice for a dedicated mower. That way you could get the wife on the machine...tell her it's gender friendly (which it is).


"You don't speak Kanuck?" ...hell, I'm still laughing.
Wayne Shytle

don`t mind Ken ,lol he did get all of them right,, But then he does come from 17 flavors country.I don`t know what I will do with what Cub.If It ain`t fun I want no part in it
You <strike>heard</strike> read DonT say I got them ALL right.
Read the bottom line of my 6:57 post.

Oh man Don's in TROUBLE!
Take a look at the #2 trailers that my nephew painted for me. He also painted the 982 that I am ready to put the engine back in place.



KENtucky, this the one you're looking for?


Circa 1999 at the hunting cabin after a day of working on building the generator shed.

Yes, that was a Cuban cigar, it was a:


However I like to think of it as a:

