<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>
By Glen Erickson (Gerickson) on Friday, August 27, 2010 - 03:58 pm:
Tristan, I think the weak link in a 1000 is the ISO mounts and that flimsy clutch driver. I went thru a couple of these drivers on my 1000 plowing snow and dirt. Wasn't the spring or disc at all. I put a stock spring back in mine. Then I solid mounted the motor and used a narrow frame 3 pin driver. Works very well. Should work even better with a cast iron oil pan. Oops!
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Glen, I am not to familiar with the mechanics of the cub transmission yet, I learn as I go... does the driver really induce slippage? I assumed that would be pressure plate/disk/spring related...
I know the ISO mounts are often a problem, I dont think you mean to say its causing any my problems do you? When I got the tractor last year they were ok and I havent checked since but no obvious sings of issues yet. This has been my worker this year and its running great, except when pulling a lot of weight and the clutch issues... I did have an issue earlier this year with the clutch not engaging, it would stay disengaged. After several forum posts it turned out just a bit of a whack and it was good to go.
By Glen Erickson (Gerickson) on Friday, August 27, 2010 - 03:58 pm:
Tristan, I think the weak link in a 1000 is the ISO mounts and that flimsy clutch driver. I went thru a couple of these drivers on my 1000 plowing snow and dirt. Wasn't the spring or disc at all. I put a stock spring back in mine. Then I solid mounted the motor and used a narrow frame 3 pin driver. Works very well. Should work even better with a cast iron oil pan. Oops!
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Glen, I am not to familiar with the mechanics of the cub transmission yet, I learn as I go... does the driver really induce slippage? I assumed that would be pressure plate/disk/spring related...
I know the ISO mounts are often a problem, I dont think you mean to say its causing any my problems do you? When I got the tractor last year they were ok and I havent checked since but no obvious sings of issues yet. This has been my worker this year and its running great, except when pulling a lot of weight and the clutch issues... I did have an issue earlier this year with the clutch not engaging, it would stay disengaged. After several forum posts it turned out just a bit of a whack and it was good to go.