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Archive through March 05, 2013

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Well-known member
May 18, 2009
Wayne Shytle
I went for a walk through the woods yesterday with all three of the cats. They are a hoot to watch. I guess we walked about 1/2 mile. Millie stayed out to the side running down fallen trees like a squirrel. Graygirl would stop and wait until I got ahead a bit then run like crazy and pass me. Barney would wait for Graygirl then chase her. I think he's in love and the ole girl is letting him get a little closer all of the time. She does get to a point where she'll hiss and run him off like, "leave me the hell alone!". It's really funny when they smell something or get excited for some reason and their tails blow up and look like a bottle brush. When I (we) got back to the house they all three laid down like they were whipped. They were easier to get to come in last evening. They know a treat awaits if they come in so that might have had something to do with it.

Again, I forgot to take my camera.
Wayne, awww, your description was delightful and I felt like I was along for the walk with you and your furkids. It sounds like you all had a great time.!! I could just imagine all they were doing..!! thanks for sharing..and next time.??? TAKE THE CAMERA. lol

Wayne, I'll second Cathleen's comments. Sounds like it was a great walk. "Camera" don't leave home without it...
Well the mother of the 6 kittens that were born last fall got a big suprise last night, we put her in a new cage thing. She was spayed this morning. She has been sleeping all afternoon.

Good for you. At least you won't have to worry about kittens in the future and might reduce the number of visits from Toms.

I went to the recycle center yesterday and there was a small, solid black kitten all by itself. It didn't act all that shy but it did pull at my heart strings a bit. I stood there and talked to it a minute but could see it didn't trust people but I also saw that it wasn't all that scared. I mentioned it to the overseer and he said the county was suppose to be on the way to set traps. He also said there have been several around some of which have been caught already. I just hate to hear things like this but it's really just a part of life I suppose. I certainly don't need another cat but on the other hand I'd like to know there is some effort put forth to find these strays a decent home rather than a cage for a week then euthanasia. I did think about going and setting a hav-a-hart trap I have last night but I would just get into trouble one way or another...probably trespassing on county property. I have seen several cats around my house at night through the years and that's one of the reasons my cats come in at night. I did let Graygirl out tonight at 8:30 but she had to use the facilities (she doesn't "go" indoors anymore) I think because she wouldn't shut up and was driving me crazy (which she knows how to do well). I went and called her around 9:30 and she came right up and in. It pisses the "kittens" off to see me let her out at night but that's just too bad at this point in their lives. They sit side by side at the door and look out hoping to see her I guess. Maybe their time will come. Millie did spend the other night outside all night because she wouldn't come in by my bedtime. They both can be downright aggravating when it's time to come in and I will only take so much. They also know there isn't any food outside but that won't stop them from trying.

I can only take so much but they do rule.
Allen, that comic was soooo true.!

Scott, that video of the overweight kitty was priceless. The kitty did actually seem to enjoy its " exercise" however, it appeared that its little legs were totally worn out by the time it was all over with..poooor kitty. lol.

Edward,good to hear that the momma cat was doing well after her surgery.

Waye, awww, I feel so badly for the little kitten.!! No doubt it was afraid and untrusting of strange people. Gosh, how would we feel if someone just took us when we were little, defensenseless and dumped us off somewhere? I'm assuming thats what happened. I so dislike people who think if they dump them off where people congregate, they will find someone to adopt them, take them out of that environment.! That is such crap. that is why we got into rescuing/taming and adopting out kitties, because of jerks like that.! urrrr, makes my blood boil. Yeah, it would be abit difficult to introduce a new kitty into your pride, but it could be done, just as you introduced Barney and Millie to Graygirl, It just takes time and patience. I'll keep the little one in my prayers. Thanks for sharing your experience. I had to laugh about Barney and Millie sitting at the door wishing they were big kids so they could go out after dark like Graygirl does. lol. I would be afraid something would happen to them. Graygirl has the age of wisdom to take care of herself , but the kids? not so much... and its so much easier on you since you realized and can now live with the truth of it all,you know? that kitties Do Rule~
its always been that way and always will be...

Scott..the cat video was priceless. Yeah, our kids do the push stuff on the floor thing and then look innocent too.! lol..

Well Fancy and I did our first ( two) power walks of the season yesterday. Fancy was so so happy, and struted in pure Fancy style. It was such delight to see him so happy. Daddy tried to take him walking, but for some reason, he only wants to follow me. guess its a mommy thing. The kids are always full of antics. A few mornings ago, as we were waiting for daddy to head out to work, little Annie jumped on Fancys neck, her front paws around his neck, then bit him on the ear,so when he got off of him,he was mighty ticked and hauled off and hit her in the rump, with claws fully extended, and if she didnt yelp..then look at me. I said, well, thats what you get for biting your daddy on the ear little girl. Now in the mornings Fancy thinks he too has to watch big daddy go to work, so Annis is always first to the door to look out the window, and then I put her down, disappear and then pick up Fancy so he can watch Marlin drive away. good grief but fancy is a big lug. Sure is a good thing spring is here, but we still have SNOW drifts hanging around, and its muddy, so we dont have a whole lot of options for power walks. Our normal route have been detoured to walking the length of the yards, out to the tree line then back up to the house. Fancy has taken a liking to rolling in the dirt outside, and every time he does it, I then have to brush him down..outside I might add, then when he comes in I take a wet wash cloth to him, which he does not like, but oh well. lol. I told him yesterday NO rolling, but if he made it all the way back up to the sidewalk, he could roll on the sidewalk, and yeppers, when he made it to the edge of the sidewalk..he flopped and rolled. it was funny, and eerie still how they understand. Then I brought him in the house so he wouldnt be tempted to find the dirtest place to flop and roll.

nosey Hannah. Marlin got his work things out of the cupboard but didnt close the door, and oops. he turned around and there was a kitty in the cupboard..imagine that..she looks so little there.. lol

We got a broasted chicken and guess who thought it was ALL for her? Tootsie would prefer to be served the WHOLE Chicken..rather then pieces. I had been trying to take her pic, but she was being coy about the whole thing. She doesnt like her pic taken, but she had been sitting by Marlin staring at the covered chicken and when he finially uncovered it, the desire to go for the chicken ruled over hiding from the camera...hahaha..

then...she went for what was on her daddys plate.

well its raining today, so guess we won't be power walking, but hopefully it will help rid the snow thats left?
or not


Did Tootsie eat the whole chicken?

I believe she likes chicken as much as our inside cat.
Marty, NOOO, Tootsie didnt eat the whole chicken. We did that pic just for a photo op. lol. She wil eat a little if you cut it up in little pieces for her, but she really prefers to have the whole thing to herself. She was sitting staring at it and licking her lips and got so enthralled with it I was able to snap pics, but earlier I had tried to take pics, and Nope she wouldnt have anything to do with posing for the camera. Funny how a kitty can be so obsinate and know when the camera is ON Her.!!!! Hannah loves to have her pic taken. Annie to, well Fancy too, but Tootsie? She HATES the flash. Daddy is always getting them chicken strips at Caseys, but the broasted chicken is a treat we get just ever so once in awhile. Its so much fun to see Toots enjoy herself sooo much. Shes the same way though with a roast.

Freddy says "Hi". (Its a wonder I didn't break the camera..)
Charles K..Hey, Nice to meet You and FREDDY.!! I would say he is really chilled out.! lol.. and very cute too. thanks for sharing..

Marty..Whos spoiled? umm, I have no idea WHO you are talking about. ME? lol. no, we dont spoil the kitties. We simply do as THEY ask of us. Thats all. That makes for a home with happy kitties, and happy kitties, mean you dont have cats from hell,( as I see on TV ) uhha. and like YOU don't spoil Your kids...rightttt.

oh, until they get jobs or something, I have decided that there will be less chicken strips from Caseys. That gets expensive.!! Fancy will more then likely go into shock when we do to the store and he doesnt get strips though.

I am furkid sitting the next couple of days. I could not for the life of me get either gate open this morning, so sure was a good thing there was a door unlocked. As I was NOT about to try to climb over the fence.( Marlin has banished me from such activity since I am such a klutz and I can't afford to fall and hurt myself..one of these days my luck would run out)..anyways, I sure surprized the puppy though when I came in through the front door. lol. She didnt know what to think of that, and the kitty. What would upset the kitty? not much.

When I got home Annie took about 10 minutes, no kidding, to sniff my hand, and when I had the hand on the mouse, she kept trying to get me to turn it over so she could smell the other side..it was rather cute. then she wanted to smell the other hand and I said to her, oh that one doesnt smell, I didnt touch them with that, and she was like Oh, ok..and walked away. Wow, she's an easy one to lie to..hahaha.


I know your cats are spoiled.

I was referring to your comments about Freddie!