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Archive through December 12, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Well for the first time, i plowed snow with a hydro tractor. I loved it!! it is faster than gear drive, but the trunion is going out on it so i learned a few naughty words but it actuallly didnt do too bad.where are all the snow pics lately? did all the snow melt? lol
Jerry, I've looked since you posted last night for a link I was given last summer when I tried taking rust off. That link said why you can't use copper in the solution. It has to do with the proccess itself. I'll look again tonight.

According to http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/andyspatch/rust.htm the process can't be used to clean copper because the corrosion on copper isn't formed by electrolytic processes. There's nothing harmful formed like there is with chromium. I can tell you from my electrode cleaning experiment that if the exposed copper is on the positive electrode you get some nasty looking green floaters coming off of it.

Having exposed copper exposed in the solution isn't my long term plan--just did it to get things running. Stopped at a Radio Shack today and asked for alligator clips. The guy said "What's an alligator clip?" Once I showed him one on a test lead we figured out they didn't have them. What was I thinking going to Radio Shack for electrical/electronics supplies? Everybody knows it's a phone store.


I think that using copper you can get some unwanted plating if you're not careful. Post again when you find the answer; I'd like to know for sure.


I remove the sacrificial (sp) anode and clean it often. It really gets nasty and it seems if you reverse the current you're going to put this crud right back in the solution. It comes off very easily. I just hit it with a sharp putty knife then rinse it. Every 6 or 8 times I'll put the grinder to it to shine it up a bit.

hey everybody, i'm currently waiting on my parts to come in so that i can finish rebuilding my 100's k241 and was wondering if anybody had some break in tips. keeping my fingers crossed here but hoping to have it going strong again by first actual accumalating snowfall. i hate missing chances to plow with that thing.
Still looking. I got one site that says not to do it but not why.
I tried copper electrodes in my cleaning tank. And found the copper coats with a green crusty material and turns the solution green. The green material acts as a insulator to the point the method quits working.
I don't think y'all are realizing, I'm not using copper electrodes. I have about 1 inch of 12 awg copper wire exposed in my tank because I looped it and screwed it to may part in lieu of an alligator clip because I haven't found them, yet. I'm not having a problem with copper. If it turns green and stops coducting to the solution, I don't care. It's still in tight contact with my part.

I picked these two Cubs up back in the spring, a 104 and a 122. The guy I got them from said the 104 was being used up till about 2 or 3 summers ago until it lost fire. He had the coil and the points cover off, and the spark plug was out . He told me the 122 had a carb problem (it also was locked in neutral). I pushed them off the trailer and just set them under a tarp until I could find time to do something with them. I did steal the front left spindle off the 104 for my running 104 and I did get the 122's shifter forks unlock (they were rusted solid almost).

My good friend Buzz told me a couple of weeks ago that he could get the 104 going, so last Saturday I dropped it off at this place. Tuesday he got it running. He chased the non-spark thing down to the safety switch under the tunnel. It actually runs real good, a little surging going on at high idle.

I picked it up yesterday and drove it around the yard for about 10 minutes. Now it won't idle down, so I need to look that over. But, still, it runs......I'm thrilled.


Too bad all the posts about using electrolysis can't be put in a thread in the Machine Shop.. This subject comes up quite often and a lot of it gets rehashed. A newbie would benefit from just going (or being referred) to the that thread instead of having to do a bunch of searches.
well its finally above freezing here today so I think I will have to move some tractors around and take out the batteries for winter storage. Have to change the oil in my wood splitter and clean up the shop some more.40deg here at 8.45 am, and 4
and I`am ready to go lol.Have a great day. later Don T
Kendell Ide
I don`t think your making that clear what you asking! Do you want that added to the FAQ ? or am I just lost here lol. I think if YOU was to find all the info and group it for a post and then the big guy might bite on it lol.I know he must be a busy guy with all the room he has to work (play) in lol.

Nope, I wasn't looking for a FAQ or for Charlie to do it...All I was suggesting was a new thread in one location to consolidate all the info..I'd do the moving of the recently posted stuff, but ya need admin rights for that...Wasn't trying to get anything "started", it was just a thought. There IS some less than complete info floating around, as Jerry and Matt have found out.. I'll go start the thread, just for hoots..
Kendell Ide
(Wasn't trying to get anything "started", it was just a thought). well I think your on the right track on the FAQ , it (the info) should be added, but we do know that questions are ask that is in the FAQ. not picking on you, I`am gone to get some Cubs moved and some seat time lol later Don T
982 owners/Onan owners: Last week IH982 would not start, spins over great, would not hit. Next day same deal, poured gas in the carb, instant start. Question: If the fuel pump goes bad, does the engine have enough vacuum to pull the fuel into the cylinders after it starts??? Thank you, Dan B.
Anyone that wants anything added to the FAQ's.
Feel free to gather the information/pics.
And I'll be more than happy to add it.

Good plan on the thread in the Machine Shop. I'll carry on with the topic over there once I get a little smarter about this over the next few days. It would be nice to have all the info as well as pics of everyone's different setups in one place for newbies to check out.

Dan B: No! Ya gotta find a replacement fuel pump.

When mine did the same thing, I also inserted an in-line cutoff in the fuel line up on the left side of the engine because the OEM cutoff at the bottom left side of the fuel tank is such a PITA to use. Now I only have to lift the hood 4-5 inches and turn on/off the fuel. This takes the gravity-based fuel pressure off the fuel pump diaphragm when the engine is not running. Note: the fuel pump is actually located on the shroud on right side of the engine. The fuel line goes from the left side to the right side..

The Fuel Pump is an ONAN ME-149-1982. Note: ME stands for McGraw-Edison which owned ONAN at the time.

You can probably get away with replacing just the diaphragm ME-142-0555 if you can find one... I could never find one though... I had to get the pricey whole thing...

Myron B
Once we collect enough, maybe we'll do a FAQ (I'm still "working" on another one..).
Jerry: I'll help with some pics when I find 'em..
I agree with the compilation of electrolysis info, pics, and websites. I think it would be nice to have it in FAQs for ease of finding in the future. If it stays in the machine shop will it not eventually just end up in the archives as it "walks" down the list?


You have a great start in the machine shop post.


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