Archive through February 04, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2005
Donald Tanner
A man in West Virginia had a flat tire, pulled off on the side of the road, and proceeded to put a withered bouquet of flowers in front of the car and another one behind it. Then he got back in the car and waited.
A passerby rubbernecked the scene as he drove by and was so curious he turned around and went back. He asked the fellow what the problem was.
The man replied, "I got me a flat tar."
The passerby asked, "But what's with the flowers?"
The man responded, "When you breaks down they says to put flares in the front and flares in the back! I
doesn't understand it neither. But, you stopped, so, I guess it works! You got a extry spar?"
There is people out there like this!
A woman was in town on a shopping trip. She began her day finding the most perfect shoes in the first shop and a beautiful dress on sale in the second.

In the third, everything had just been reduced by 50 percent when her mobile phone rang. It was a female doctor notifying her that her husband had just been in a terrible car accident and was in critical condition and in the ICU.

The woman told the doctor to inform her husband where she was and that she'd be there as soon as possible. As she hung up she realised she was leaving what was shaping up to be her best day ever in the boutiques. She decided to get in a couple of more shops before heading to the hospital.

She ended up shopping the rest of the morning, finishing her trip with a cup of coffee and a beautiful chocolate cake slice, compliments of the last shop. She was jubilant.

Then she remembered her husband. Feeling guilty, she dashed to the hospital.

She saw the doctor in the corridor and asked about her husbands condition.
The lady doctor glared at her and shouted, 'You went ahead and finished your shopping trip didnt you! I hope youre proud of yourself! While you were out for the past four hours enjoying yourself in town, your husband has been languishing in the Intensive Care Unit! It's just as well you went ahead and finished, because it will more than likely be the last shopping trip you ever take! For the rest of his life he will require round-the-clock care. And he will now be your career!'

The woman broke down and sobbed.

The lady doctor then chuckled and said, 'Im just pulling your leg. Hes dead. Show me what you bought.'

I was picky who I sent this to. It had to be those who might actually remember. So have some fun my sharp-witted friends.. This is a test for us 'old kids'! The answers are printed below, but don't cheat.

01.After the Lone Ranger saved the day and rode off into the sunset, the grateful citizens would ask, Who was that masked man? Invariably, someone would answer, I don't know, but he left this behind. What did he leave behind?________________.

02.When the Beatles first came to the U.S. .In early 1964, we all watched them on The _______________ Show.

03'Get your kicks, __________________..'

04..'The story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to ___________________.'

05.'In the jungle, the mighty jungle, ________________.'

06.After the Twist, The Mashed Potato, and the Watusi, we 'danced' under a stick that was lowered as low as we could go in a dance called the '_____________.'

07.Nestle's makes the very best . .. . . _______________..'

08.Satchmo was America 's 'Ambassador of Goodwill.' Our parents shared this great jazz trumpet player with us. His name was _________________.

09.What takes a licking and keeps on ticking? _______________.

10.Red Skeleton's hobo character was named __________________ and Red always ended his television show by saying, 'Good Night, and '________ ________. '

11.Some Americans who protested the Vietnam War did so by burning their______________.

12.The cute little car with the engine in the back and the trunk in the front was called the VW. What other names did it go by? ____________ & _______________.

13.In 1971, singer Don MacLean sang a song about, 'the day the music died.' This was a tribute to ___________________.

14.We can remember the first satellite placed into orbit. The Russians did it. It was called ___________________.

15.One of the big fads of the late 50's and 60's was a large plastic ring that we twirled around our waist. It was called the __ ______________.

01.The Lone Ranger left behind a silver bullet.
02.The Ed Sullivan Show
03..On Route 66
04...To protect the innocent.
05.The Lion Sleeps Tonight
06.The limbo
08.Louis Armstrong
09..The Timex watch
10.Freddy, The Freeloader and 'Good Night and God Bless.'
11.Draft cards (Bras were also burned. Not flags, as some have guessed)
12.Beetle or Bug
13.Buddy Holly

Send this to your 'old' friends, (better known as Seniors.) It will drive them crazy ! And keep them busy and let them forget their aches and pains for a few minutes.
10 out of 15, guess I am not that old after all.
Got 'em all - do I win a prize??maybe something from a Crackerjack box??
Okay... In reference to question #8 in Donald T.'s post. Just how did Louis Armstrong acquire his scratchy voice?
Thank Kraig if this works:

I hope this helps me get out of a ticket tomorrow if I get pulled over!
First day at Wall Mart as a greeter !

About two hours into my first day on the job a very loud,
unattractive, mean-acting woman walked into the store with her two kids, yelling obscenities at them all the way through the entrance.
I said pleasantly, 'Good morning and welcome to Wal-Mart.
Nice children you have there. Are they twins?'
The ugly woman stopped yelling long enough to say,
'Hell no, they ain't twins. The oldest one's 9, and the other one's 7.
Why the hell would you think they're twins? Are you blind, or stupid?'
So I replied,
'I'm neither blind nor stupid, Ma'am, I just couldn't believe someone slept with you twice. Have a good day and thank you for shopping at
My supervisor said I probably wasn't cut out for this line of work.
A lady on a cruise ship heard the Captain talking to himself. When she commented on it the Captain replied, "Madam, there's nothing more that I enjoy than talking to an intellegent man and hearing his reply".

Walking into the bar, Mike said to Charlie the bartender, 'Pour me a stiff one - just had another fight with the little woman.'

'Oh yeah?' said Charlie, 'And how did this one end?'

'When it was over,' Mike replied, 'She came to me on her hands and knees.'

'Really,' said Charles, 'Now that's a switch! What did she say?'

She said, 'Come out from under the bed, you little chicken.'


If you cannot decipher anything, then try pulling the
corner of your eyes as if you were Japanese. Keep
pulling until your eyes are almost closed...It works.
Too FUNNY not to pass on!

This isn't funny. I pulled the corners of my eyes down so far they got teary. Asked Jeanne for help and she stood back and read it.
Maybe there's a moral to this - like it never (really) hurts to ask for help??

Ah, Grasshopper, jokes mingled with philosophy.
Now, I have to admit that i agree and/or emulate a few of these...

Understanding Engineers

Understanding Engineers – One
Two engineering students were biking across a university campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?"
The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday, minding my own business, when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike, threw it to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want."
The first engineer nodded approvingly and said, "Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn't have fit you anyway."

Understanding Engineers – Two
To the optimist, the glass is half-full.
To the pessimist, the glass is half-empty.
To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Understanding Engineers – Three
A priest, a doctor, and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers.
The engineer fumed, "What's with those guys? We must have been waiting for fifteen minutes!"
The doctor chimed in, "I don't know, but I've never seen such inept golf!"
The priest said, "Here comes the green-keeper. Let's have a word with him."
He said, "Hello George, what's wrong with that group ahead of us?
They're rather slow, aren't they?"
The green-keeper replied, "Oh, yes. That's a group of blind firemen. They lost their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire last year, so we always let them play for free anytime."
The group fell silent for a moment.
The priest said, "That's so sad. I think I will say a special prayer for them tonight."
The doctor said, "Good idea. I'm going to contact my ophthalmologist colleague and see if there's anything he can do for them."
The engineer said, "Why can't they play at night?"

Understanding Engineers – Four
What is the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers?
Mechanical engineers build weapons
Civil engineers build targets.

Understanding Engineers – Five
The graduate with a science degree asks, "Why does it work?"
The graduate with an engineering degree asks, "How does it work?"
The graduate with an accounting degree asks, "How much will it cost?"
The graduate with an arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?"

Understanding Engineers – Six
Three engineering students were gathered together discussing who must have designed the human body.
One said, "It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints."
Another said, "No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections."
The last one said, "No, actually it had to have been a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?"

Understanding Engineers – Seven
Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.

Understanding Engineers – Eight
An engineer was crossing a road one day, when a frog called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess."
He bent over, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket.
The frog spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me I'll turn back into a beautiful princess and stay with you for one week."
The engineer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned It to the pocket.
The frog then cried out, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you for one week and do anything you want."
Again, the engineer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket.
Finally, the frog asked, "What is the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess and that I'll stay with you for one week and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?"
The engineer said, "Look, I'm an engineer. I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog, now that's cool.

With winter coming to an end, remember what Smokey the Pig says:

"Only YOU can prevent Bacon!"
The Pastor's Ass

The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won.
The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and it won again.

The local paper read:


The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race.

The next day, the local paper headline read:


This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey.

The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent. The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline the next day:


The bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for $10.

The next day the paper read:


This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild.

The next day the headlines read:


The bishop was buried the next day.

The moral of the story is . . . being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery . . even shorten your life.

So be yourself and enjoy life. Stop worrying about everyone else's ass and you'll be a lot happier and live longer!

Have a nice day!
A trucker stops for a red light, a blonde catches up. She jumps out of her car, runs up to his truck, & knocks on the door. The trucker lowers the window, & she says "Hi, my name is Heather & you are losing some of your load. "The trucker ignores her & proceeds down the street. When the truck stops for another red light, the girl catches up again. She jumps out of her car, runs up & knocks on the door. Again, the trucker lowers the window. As if they've never spoken, the blonde says brightly, "Hi my name is Heather, & you are losing some of your load!" Shaking his head, the trucker ignores her again & continues down the street. At the third red light, the same thing happens again. When the light turns green the trucker revs up & races to the next light. When he stops this time, he hurriedly gets out of the truck, & runs back to the blonde. He knocks on her window, & after she lowers it, he says...
"Hi, my name is Kevin, it's winter in NY & I'm driving the SALT TRUCK!

Believe it or not ,
These are Memphis , TN 's REAL 911 Calls!

Dispatcher : 9-1-1 What is your emergency?
Caller: I heard what sounded like gunshots coming from the brown house
on the corner.
Dispatcher: Do you have an address?
Caller: No, I have on a blouse and slacks, why?

Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What is your emergency?
Caller : Someone broke into my house and took a bite out of my ham and
cheese sandwich .
Dispatcher : Excuse me?
Caller : I made a ham and cheese sandwich and left it on the kitchen
table and when I came back from the bath room, someone had taken a bite
out of it.
Dispatcher : Was anything else taken?
Caller : No, but this has happened to me before and I'm sick and tired
of it!

Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What is the nature of your emergency?
Caller: I'm trying to reach nine eleven but my phone doesn't have an
eleven on it.
Dispatcher: This is nine eleven.
Caller: I thought you just said it was nine-one-one
Dispatcher: Yes, ma'am nine-one-one and nine-eleven are the same thing.
Caller: Honey, I may be old, but I'm not stupid.

My Personal Favorite!!!
Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What's the nature of your emergency?
Caller: My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two
minutes apart !
Dispatcher: Is this her first child?
Caller: No, you idiot! This is her husband!

And the winner is..........

Dispatcher: 9-1-1
Caller: Yeah, I'm having trouble breathing. I'm all out of breath.
Darn....I think I'm going to pass out.
Dispatcher: Sir, where are you calling from?
Caller: I'm at a pay phone. North and Foster.
Dispatcher: ! Sir, an ambulance is on the way. Are you an asthmatic?
Caller: No.
Dispatcher: What were you doing before you started having trouble
Caller: Running from the Police.
> > Husband Down (Frank )
> > A husband and wife are shopping in their local Wal-Mart. The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in their cart.
> >
> > 'What do you think you're doing?' asks the wife.
> >
> > 'They're on sale, only $10 for 24 cans,' he replies.
> >
> > 'Put them back, we can't afford them,' demands the wife, and so they carry on shopping.
> >
> > A few aisles further on along the woman picks up a $20 jar of face cream and puts it in the basket.
> >
> > 'What do you think you're doing?' asks the husband.
> >
> > 'It’s my face cream. It makes me look beautiful,' replies the wife.
> >
> > Her husband replies: 'So does 24 cans of Budweiser and it's half the price.'
> >
> > On the PA system: 'Cleanup on aisle 25, we have a husband down.'

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