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Well-known member
May 28, 2008
Mike LaMar
Hey Charlie and all our MN friends
I had an extra large cup of coffee this morning when I heard our local weather man down here in Ohio state that upper MN had the coldest temps on the face of the planet last night. Is it true cars can freeze up while your driving them up there?
Mike, if you don't have the proper mix of anti-freeze in them the "coolant" can freeze and then the engine overheats. Yep it's cold in Northern Minnesota.

A Frosty Morning

Bet that ain't the only things that freeze up.
Don't you have to add some alcohol to the brake fluid?Just think about water lines to houses and such! I've also heard that MINN. loses about 2 lakes per year from geese landing on the water and it freezing. When they take off they carry the lake with them.LOL.
Gets that cold just as soon stay in bed,even if the wife does fart!!!
Anyboby remember the old Chevy pickups with the gas tank inside the cab behind the seat? Days like this it was common to hear the ice chunks banging around when turning corners.
Why don't yall do like the rest of the north and move to North Carolina? They say it's a wonderful place to live and I know for a fact it use to be. Too liberal now so...you decide.

We've had a cold fall and winter so far but nothing like what the guys are posting in the main forum. The only way I'd live up there is if I had a winter home in Florida.
JERRY - The Blue Oval pickups had those in-the-cab gas tanks too!
Mike L.
I've not had any problems with anything freezing up until this morning.
We headed out about 7:30 for Grand Rapids and about half way there, the RPM's jumped big time on the Dodge pickup from around 18K to 25K. I pulled over, nothing seemed out of place. So we took off and the same thing. Come to find out, the over drive sensor had FROZEN solid, LOL
We finished the trip, let it set running for a hour or so and it thawed itself out.
I stopped at a Dodge dealer and come to find out, Dodge had a recall on that sensor and failed to tell 40,000 owners, LOL
They ran it in, put it on the hoist and let it down in less than 5 minutes after replacing the $7.00 sensor. What a joke!
You have a truck that normally runs a 18K RPMs???

What'cha got a turbine under the hood?
Charlie P. My old faithful Dakota will do the same thing. Maybe I should ask if they'll fix it for free for me. It only has 228,000 miles on it.
Sure does mess with the already poor gas mileage when it does that.
Allen S. Never thought about those guys. You're right though. They could be pancakes in no time.

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