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Plasma Cutter - What to get?

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2006
Steve Blunier "Mr. Plow" (Central IL)
Thinking about adding a plasma cutter to my shop.

I would like to be able to cut up to 3/8", but would mostly play in the 1/8" t 1/4" range.

Seems like a 30A machine would be about right. (Comments welcome)


Quality of cheaper units for occasional use?

Let me know what your opinions are please.
Steve, so you dont think your being ignored...just saying hello. I know nothing about plasma cutters except they seem to be the new rage. Thought maybe a 'new' in front of this section might get a few people to look in. <font size="-2">Ya, I know, I've killed more than one thread here ! :)</font>
Steve - I've had a 20 amp Hypertherm since 1992, with NO failures. I can cut 3/16ths plate with a clean/sharp edge. 1/4" is slower and 3/8" is pushing the edge of the envelope where I go back to a cutting torch. The things I do in my shop are mostly 1/4" or less, so getting the old Smiths torch out every so often isn't much of an issue.. Like Miller, Lincoln and Hobart in welding, Hypertherm is the leader in the plasma cutting field, with great support (they've got a guy by the name of Jim Colt that spends half his night answering questions on the different CNC/Plasma cutting forums). I looked at moving up to a unit with 1/2 inch cutting (not severing, but actual clean cuts) this summer and will go back to Hypertherm for the next unit.... At the time that Daytona Mig and others were selling the Italian made units for $600.00, I paid $1300.00 for the Max110 and never regreted it. I'm sure you've read up on all the features of the various units by now, some of the really important ones are start/restart when cutting things like hardware cloth, ability to start/pierce through paint and quality of the consumables (note you'll replace tip/nozzles on a regular basis, but that like everything else, OEM consumables are better than the Chinese knockoffs that are found on evilbay).. If you don't choose HT, I'd definitely recommend staying with Blue, Red or Yellow brands as the cheap stuff will come back to haunt you..
We have two Hypertherms in our fab shop, great machines-- they get used hard. We cut mostly 1/8-3/8 HRS.
I run a Miller 625 Spectrum. First and only plasma cutter I've run. It never lets me down. Cuts 1/4 great, 1/2 OK, 3/4 barely.
Its like 8 years old with no failures.
I try to keep the equipment at work Blue for ease of parts.
The Hypertherms have an awesome reputation, I would give them my first preference if I needed to replace the blue one.
Well... Are you going to post some pictures of the new machine, or do we have to just sit here and guess?
Since Art twisted my arm.....



I built the rack and added a 240v power post in the spare tank space behind the MM210, then installed the Moto-Air filter on the back of the MM210.

One plug and one air hose and both machines are ready to work. Yellow cord is a built in 15' extension.
Steve - nice !

I see you went with Hypertherm .. There are lots of good brands out there, but I still believe HT is the leader (and based on most all comments from folks I've talked to, they're as hard to kill as an old Lincoln tombstone).

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