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Marthasville MO Plow Day Oct. 15

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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May 14, 2011
Adam Vaught
Anyone is interested in attending a Missouri Garden Tractor Plow day October 15th? I have arranged an annual Plow Day for Garden Tractor enthusiasts of all brands starting this fall. The plow day will held on the rich Missouri river bottoms in historic Marthasville MO. We have access to as much high quality plow ground as we need, and the area has lots of wineries, B&B's, flea markets, the Katy trail, and shops of all sorts very near by. The only caveat is that for those who wish to plow, we have to join the Missouri 2 cylinder club. The dues are only $20 per year and the club has many shows and activities throughout the year, as well as a news letter that goes out to all members every 30 days or so. The reason we have to join the club is because the club carries the insurance that protects the landowners for the plow day and shows, as well as protects you and your equipment during club events.

Our first plow day was in Rosebud and we had 25 garden tractors attend. I think we will have more tractors attending this event. Our club has 80 or so members and is well organized. During this event there will be many vintage larger Ag tractors plowing as well but the garden tractors will have our own seperate field so we don't get run over! This should be a great event, and the weather is forecast to be perfect. I will have a sign that says "Garden Tractor Plow Day" so look me up if you are interested. We can sign you up the day of the plow so come on out and roll some dirt with us! We will start plowing at 9:00 am so I hope to see some of you there.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: I talked with Doug (our club's secretary)last night and he told me that the the fields that they plowed last year have been harvested! As long as this is where the landowner wants us to plow this year, WE ARE A GO FOR THIS WEEKEND!! I am taking a risk by counting on this but Doug is pretty sure we will be plowing the same fields so let all just plan on plowing this Saturday at 9:00am. Right now
the forecast is for some rain mid week, with a high for Saturday of 70 and clear skies, perfect! I look forward to seeing all of you this weekend for our second plow day this year. I would love to hear from those of you planning on attending, just post here or shoot me an e-mail.

On another note, I have an address for the plow day for those of you looking to punch it in to your GPS. It is

17256 Bouef Island Rd.
Marthasville MO. 63357

Love, Peace. and Tractor Grease! Adam



IMPORTANT UPDATE: I knew I shouldn't have posted anything until I had a 100% guarantee that this weekend was a go but I am trying to give everyone as much of a heads up as possible. I drove over to Marthasville this evening and met our club Secretary Doug to look at the fields myself, and get a firm commitment on this weekend. Well it turns out that the fields that the club plowed last year are indeed harvested, but those are not the fields we will be plowing this year. The landowner wants to no till some winter wheat in those fields so they are off limits to us. The fields we will be plowing (several hundred acres worth on the other side of the levee) have not been harvested yet. These are large scale farming operations and these guys have ground scattered all over so we are kind of on their schedule. We are probably looking at the weekend of the 22nd at the earliest. I will keep everyone posted as soon as we get the green light. I am sorry for the inconvenience that this is causing, believe me I am making myself sick over it! We are still assured that we will be getting a plow day in but it is way later than was originally planned. On the upside, the ground looks incredible! Fields everywhere, rich sandy ground, and it looks like you could plow for days and days and not finish it. Again, I will give everyone as much of a heads up as I can so please be patient and hold on, we will get this thing in, even if it is the first weekend of Nov. Heres hoping that doesn't happen! Adam
Tonight I again talked with Doug and we have some good news. They are pulling trucks of beans from the farm where we will be plowing and Doug is pretty sure they are harvesting the fields where we will be plowing. If this is the case, these fields should be cleaned in time for our plow day to be held this weekend. I know this is sort of an ongoing saga but Doug is still working toward this Saturday as our plow day. He has even checked with a couple other buddies whose farms are near by and was given the go on 45 acres of corn ground for Saturday. Between the larger Ag tractors and the Garden tractors we figure we need at least 80 acres. Corn ground is pretty rough for the garden tractors unless it has been brush hogged down which these fields have not. All I can say at this point is stay tuned to this forum and hopefully this weekend or next we will all be rolling some dirt. Adam
WE ARE ON FOR THIS SATURDAY! Finally ! Although the original fields will not be ready, Doug has secured 70 acres right down the road, with an additional 17 acres if we need it. Same general location so use this address and then follow the signs.

17256 Bouef Island Rd.
Marthasville MO 63357

Spread the word and I hope to see all of you this weekend. I know it has been a bit unpredictable but this is going to be a great plow day. Just think 10 months ago we had no Missouri Plow day and now we are having our second event this year! Pretty cool I think. Even if it is last minute I want to encourage as many of you that can, please make this plow day. Even if you have not joined the club yet we can get you signed up the day of the plow, so come on out and plow some of the best ground in Missouri! Adam
I am excited to find there is finally a plow day in Mo! I won't be able to attend this one but look for me next year for sure!

Randy.....I feel the same way!

Adam.....If the wife and I hadn't already commited to go camping with the neighbors this weekend, I would definately be at the plow day.
Just a quick update on our plow day. We will have a porta pottie on site as well as hamburgers, hotdogs, and brats. Everything will be there plates, napkins, even Soda. Also, The club will be taking donations to cover the cost of the porta pottie but this is strictly voluntary. Looks like this thing is really coming together, can't wait to see everybody, we start at 9:00am Saturday.
I just wanted to let everyone know that just a few miles from our plow day there is the Thirtieth Annual DEUTSCH COUNTRY DAYS — the finest and most authentic living history in the Midwest. The educational, family-fun experience is held on Luxenhaus Farm, 18055 State Highway O, three miles northeast of Marthasville, Missouri

There is a website that explains more of some of the events.

Germans in Missouri Fall Festival German Heritage

Come on guys, just come on out and meet the guys. There is so much going on in the area that your wives would love I am sure you could swing a couple hours. BTW this is our second plow day this year! It is growing by leaps and bounds. Adam

I hope everybody is loaded and ready to go. We will have at least one addition to the Garden Tractor herd. One of our 2 Cylinder member's who have several large tractors there, is also bringing his JD 445 and plowing with us. Also, there will be coffee and donuts available there at the field. The club has a generator set up for brewing coffee, and they will be grilling up food all day. They are expecting 40 or so large Ag tractors so it is a good thing the garden tractors have our own field! Also, we have some access to additional ground if we need it so anybody up for some night plowing? Sounds like fun but we will see how everybody feels with this much seat time. I am not sure how many guys are showing up for this with all the on/off back and forth date stuff but I hope we have a good showing. Everybody be safe, I will see you all in the morning and lets have some fun! Remember, we can sign you up tomorrow if you want to plow, or just come on out , meet the guys and check out some awesome tractors! Adam
I think we can officially say that we have put Missouri on the map for premier plow day destinations. I haven't been to any of the other states here in the Midwest to plow but I can't imagine they have better dirt than we plowed today. This dirt was so good I will wash my 317 in the front yard on one of my poorest areas because I am sure it will improve the grass! I am not sure how long those runs were today but I guess them at 1/4 mile long! That was fantastic!

Here is a link to a photobucket for our plow day. I wish I would have taken more but I was to busy plowing! Never really got over to were the big boys were plowing, just to much going on. Adam

Looks like it went well, I think you will have more GT's next year as word gets around.


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