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IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 15 -----April 12th 2008

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Brian, Shane and I (along with Lowell Getz) will be there rain or shine and I'll have jumper cables and Art's can-o-gas.

Bill Riley
Well, it's raining right now, and looking at the forecast it doesn't look like it's going to let up. So unless it clears off today and we don't get any more rain, we won't be plowing. I'll post this evening whether we will be plowing or not. If we don't plow, we'll get together in the machine shed across from my house on Friday and at the Fire Station in Rockford on Sat. I just wanted to let everyone know so they don't drag their tractors out here for nothing.
Thanks for the heads up!!

I hope that everyone understands that when we're all done wollowing around in the mud, (if conditions don't improve(which I hope they do)) Travis is the one stuck with the soil that dries like clay pots and is hard to work up. I'll be the first to say that I sure hope it staightens up for us, but remember when we all go home Travis is the one left holding the bag!

Just my $0.02
Tom - I was wondering if that soil does like ours if you work it wet. Ours takes all year of plowing/tilling to get busted up.
Folks, I hate to say this but we will NOT be plowing. We've already got an inch of rain and it's coming down hard yet. I just wanted to post now so everyone can set their plans accordingly.

For those of you coming tomorrow to hang out, we will do just that across the street from my house in the machine shed. Dress warm because there is no heat and it'll be chilly. We'll head to the bar Friday night like we did last year.

Saturday will be at the fire station in Rockford (I've got permission from the chief). It's a block north of the stop light on main street. Can't miss it lol. It'll be warm there and there is a restroom. For anyone selling parts, please use the parking lot on the south side of the fire station. The fire dept will be serving food and drinks. The raffle and door prizes will still be done. I know this isn't as good as plowday, but under the circumstances it will have to do. Most people just come to BS anyway. I'll post more tonight.
Well for those of us that can't be there we usally get to see pics, but if it's just going to be a BS session we'll need audio recordings
This keeps my streak Alive! 4 plow days and I haven't plowed at one yet! I'll bring my best BS for this very special occasion.

I'm gonna have to change my personal quote to...
"Home Of the Dust Collector Special"
KENtucky, I was mentioning something very similar to that to Charlie this morning.
Ken/Tom, it's not the field I'm worried about. It's people getting stuck in the pasture/parking area. If it was "iffy" I would say let's wait, but there is absolutely no chance at this point. I'll probably have a river in the pasture by morning. It's a creek bed anyway (Whiskey creek, look on the map)
Rick...Can you bring a Teledyne....I gotta keep MY streak of pulling one until my spleen bleeds..
Darnnnnnnnittttttt, this means I won't be pulling a trailer and spending $130 or so in gas....

But, what time are you thinking of having the BS/Swap meet on Saturday? I don't want to miss any deals.... Yet maybe I don't need to get up way before dawn.
Well, I guess I kinda lied. I would have been there rain or shine if there was plowing. Much as I like to see and talk with you guys, I just can't justify an 800 mile round trip if there is no plowing. I got a bummed-out little boy on my hands too. Maybe we'll get to one of the other plow days this spring/summer. Have a good time!!

Bill Riley
First I would like to apologize for what I'm posting here, but I think it has to be done.
Here's the deal.
Ryan Krueger seems to be getting his jollies off by emailing and calling people telling them that PD15 is CANCELED.
I've just gotten 3 phone calls from guys saying that Ryan Krueger called today with his FALSE information.
I have go so far as to basically BLOCK the ENTIRE Charles City and surrounding areas from viewing the forum.
Also anyone using Qwest from Des Moines area will also be blocked.

Sorry, but for now, that's the only alternative I have to stop this crap.
So if anyone that you know is having a problem getting to the forum, tell them to email me direct and I will get their IP address to let them back in.

It's a dang shame that some people can't grow up and leave things well enough alone.
It's not bad enough that Ryan Krueger is a CONVICTED THIEF for stealing Travis's stuff. He continues to try and play games behind the scenes to stir the pot.
If this does continue, I will prosecute Ryan Krueger and his cohorts to the full extent of the law!
Charlie, Thanks for all you put up with.Do what you have to to keep the Forum in one piece.I'm sorry to hear this.

Kurt R,aka the Squirrel. You'll have to talk to this Teledyne's new owner about further injuries to your spleen.I'd enjoy the show for sure.
(This year we've gone to electric start,three grown men crying was just too much)

Your last post just takes the cake! Who would have thought that "Convicted Thief" would stoop to this kind of low!

Even though my equipment is green and yellow, we still have the same interest at heart. We can at least rib each other on what equipments better. Who built what first and such. But to try to divide a group of garden tractor enthusiast for a personal gain. HHHmmm!!

I'm sure Travis (and others) have been stewing over this PD all week. It had to be tough to make the call to cancel. But to have a "CONVICTED THIEF" pull this stunt....... I don't have words that you will not deleat to put on this page! If you should need funds to legally challange the "CONVICTED THIEF" and his cohorts, I'll chip in.

Thanks Art....I needed a laugh....

We REALLY need an emoticon of the smiley face spittin something on a computer screen.....

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