Archive through November 13, 2012

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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I don't think the water bottle is "cruel" at all. I've even read about it in books as a way to stop a cat from doing something undesirable. I don't really use it any more for that matter...they both know what it is and all I have to do is pick it up and they're spinning wheels to get away. I would never try and disipline them for an instinctive act; it's things like wanting to go outside after dark when I open the door to go get a stick of wood.

As far as a cat being as "smart" as a dog, they may very well be but in totally different ways. I've had labs all of my life and every time I called them they were on their way to me. If a cat sees a bird or hears a mouse in the grass and you call forget it. They are masters at ignoring. I've never tried to train a cat to do much at all. My old hunting dog was the easiest animal to train. I use to come in for the day and could just sit in my chair and say to Medic, the hunting dog "slippers" and he would go to the bedroom and bring my slippers to my chair one at the time in most cases. 2 or 3 times he accidentally grabbed both at once which I thought was neat. It didn't require a treat either. At first I simply took him in the bedroom and picked up the slippers a couple of times and he was trained. In my opinion he was the greatest dog in the world; he didn't even smell when he got wet and he loved water. He was also the healthiest and hardly cost me anything in the 16 years he was with me other than his shots and checkups. The other thing that was so special about him was he was born the same month my father died in January, 1990 and also the fact that he was bringing birds to me at 6 months of age until he was 14 years old when I retired him. He was old and knew it so he just lost interest. I went hunting the following year but I missed him being there so much I lost interest myself and haven't hunted birds much since. He would sit in front of me watching over my shoulder and when those ears went up I took the safety off, stood, and more times than not there was a bird I would have missed. He did that hundreds of times.

It's in the low 20s here this am and Graygirl is showing her age. She'll go outside and be back in a matter of minutes then straight to her spot under the wood stove. The new guys are loving the cool weather. I just saw Barney sliding down the frosted windshield of my car a few minutes ago. They just came in for their "breakfast" then right back out.
Wayne, I wasn't suggesting AT ALL that its cruel to use a spray bottle as discipline. Everyone has their own ways . For the door issue, we always use " back" and in no time they learn to stay back and away from the door when someone is coming in or going out. Also if they get close to the door we would simply use the side of our foot and gently push them away. Now, when its needed, it's just ' back', cept when Fancy decides he IS going out, when he's NOT..then sometimes the foot push is needed.

Fancy will NOT go on power walks with Marlin ~I guess Fanc was designated that OUR special activity. We just came in from a brisk walk. It was chilly and Fancy did a great job of walking faster then normal pace so we could get our walk up to Amys and back in quick order.! When we went out though he was very hesitant, as though he sensed a predator in the area. He stood and sniffed the air for a few minutes and then took off with me walking, but he continued to be very vigilent and on the way back, his tail got big and bushy . Not sure what had been around, but he was feeling it.

Yeah, dogs are different then Having had a lab and a retriever both, who were equally the best furkids I was blessed to share my life with, they are different then kitties. No, a kitty won't go get your slippers, but who has tried to train one to? I had a pair of pink gloves that Annie took off the counter and claimed as her own and I would ask her " where is your pink glove" and she would actually go and find it, bring it to me and drop it. Also when she had her straw fetish going on, you could ask her where is your straw, and she would go find one wherever she had them hidden and bring it to ya. I feel though that people have always had a different mind set with kitties compared to dogs, and there are huge differences and yet in so many ways they are akin to each other. Both respond to affirmative words.

I am like you Wayne, when I was training my dogs, I never used treats as reward. I simply praised them. ! So like Edwards BJ who was his trucking buddy for many years, cats can be taught/or desire to do things other then lay around and be aloof and only come around when they want attention.

Annie is a big help with housework... she thinks she is, but when I am sweeping, she is usually more in the way then helping. No matter what the housework chore , Annie is usually right in the mix of things. She'll chase at the front of the vac ..loud sounds she's not afraid of, but Hannah? She HATES THE VAC and will run upstairs and hide till its over, and then I have to go up, and coax her out from under the bed. She is the sensitive kitty and doesnt like loud noises or quick actions. Its so interesting their different quicks and personalities. Oh one other thing Annie has is following me in and out of the bathroom. since she was wee, she would follow me and crawl up my leg, jumping up on my lap when she got bigger, and now she follows me in and then stands up by me and reaches one paw up. Even in the middle of the night and she's sleeping? she's following me in and out.

anways, enough of my rambling..

Oh Wayne, I KNOW you are an amazing daddy to your kids, so please don't ever think I was being critical of your care of them...((hugs)).

My wifes nephew wanted one kitten but he took two last Friday, the calico and the solid color kitten. Thanksgiving morning, I put a plywood plug with cat size hole in the lower portion of the kitchen window.
The mother was sitting in the chair with the four kittens this morning.
My rescued ferrel cat does not cover up his food, so that throws a kink in the outside/inside theory. He WILL steal any meat (after it is cooked) and hide it, or take it to his food bowl. He is especially fond of chicken or turkey, but will steal a hamburger or porkchop too. He insists on inspecting all of our meals, and if chicken or turkey is on the plate we have to feed him too. I have actually gotten into a head butting contest with him to see who gets to the poultry first! He is so funny sometimes. Of course I always win, but he gets fed plenty anyway.
David, LOL, looks like you wore your cat out. It would not be safe for the bulbs to place one of my cats there with them...
ohhhh, excuse me David, I mixed your name up with Edwards. Sorry about that. I'm sure you noticed and neither you nor anyone else corrected me..Just me in my fog again. lol...well, thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Just ask Marlin, he'll tell ya. Well, maybe not, cuz he's been in a fog too, so he's not much help. Anyways, the pics of BJ are so cute, him preping to help with you Christmas decorating. Wow, that had to be a hard days work for him, ey? lol. I'm sure he was a LOT of help though. You couldnt do it without him, could you? I'm sure he knew right where to put the ornaments so they looked their best, and the lights? oh, he must be a master at stringing those by now.? lol...

Marty, I had to laugh with your kitty taking food and hididng it. Where does he hide it at anyways? Our Tootsie, she would just as soon you give her the whole chicken to eat then little cut up pieces of it. When I get a broasted chicken at the store, she is right up at the table, scoping things out and eye balling it, and she will attempt to get at a drum stick and take it off if you would let her. She also does the same thing with beef roast as well. Head Butts? oh, we know head butts too. Fancy will get up on the table and head butt us too. He will do that to me in the morning, as a gesture of love and it can be kind of irritating when I'm trying to take sip of HOT coffee, lol. Or if I am getting supper ready, Fancy will sit at my place at the table, to assure that I dont MISS him, that he needs a sampling of what ever it is we are having for supper too. its like if he doesn't sit on the table and be obvious, like I'm going to forget him.?? NOT. He loves chili, and sloppy joes besides roast and chicken. hahaha.. oh, and fish too.

Edward? Have anymore babies been adopted out? I loved the little calico myself. I love calico's anyways. Calico's just aren't that plentiful. I wonder why that is? Oh, I was watching TV one day and discovered that all tri colored kitties, like calico's or the darken version which is called tortoises, or torti's are always females. Interesting, huh? I didnt know that. Well, I knew that calico's were always female, but didnt know torti's were.

Did you all know that a black cat has to have siamese in their breeding? can't get a black cat without that predigree in their blood line.

so here's a couple of pics of whenFancy covered up his food. one day with paper towel,which was very precise a few days later a half felt attemp with Annie's I started feeding him using a bowl cuz if I use a plate it ends up all over the place.


Heres a pic of Marlin and Fancy I took yesterday on the 147 that Marlin bought to resell. He got it running yesterday so they took it for a spin, and of course, Fancy was a happy guy. Looks likes he mighty comfortable with his daddy

and Marlin had the camera out and Hannah wanted her pic taken. Honest she did, and she did a sweet little pose and it shows how perfectly marked her little white socks are. lol. her markings are common for a tuxedo kitty. Her hind stockings go up high on her hind legs and are perfectly matched as well.
Headbutts.. I think we're all talking about the same thing, M-M does his by crawling up your chest and resting his head against your face / nose/ chin and make the loudest purring sounds. Then we tell him to timber and he'll look to see if your arm is in the right position and he'll drop onto his side and when he lands (with a thud!) we say Plop! He seems to love it and stretches out then so you can rub his belly! This usually happens after he's eaten and so he'll be content to lay there until you need to get up.
Cathleen: We are keeping the other 4 kittens. We had 7 cats for about 10 years. The 17 year old that died about a year ago was born under the bed in our spare bedroom along with her 2 brothers.
My wife is a animal lover and I'm glad we don't live in Africa

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