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Archive through January 24, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Steve B - Thanks for that info on 782 steering. It's amazing how much that really seems simple, or "common sense" but not so much to me! I think my 782 needs attention at both points you addressed - axle pivot and axle/spindle assembly.

Man, this site is great! (Thanks, Charlie!)
This is a first for that information on steering and how its designed to work. I have a couple tractors here that I see have the bolt wear issue from me not knowing how they are to be installed correctly.I was going to order new parts to get the slop out and now see I can repair the spindle hole where the bolt has wore a slot. I think I should be able to weld and repair the hole and clean out the spacer hole in the axle end.I see the 149 has a casting line that I can grind off . This casting line was causing me to back off the bolt because of binding.Now I will redo this the correct way.

Steve Blunier "Mr. Plow" (Central IL)

I read this site every day and never saw this posted before ? I will now fix a lot of the slop in the steering on my 129,149,1512 .This is great information and should be in the FAC ! Thanks for posting that info.

Lews P

Thanks for sharing how you paint your tractors. I will get my ATV winch in place so I can lift my tractors up to paint them.Looks like I will save a lot of time in the process with that idea.

Morning Denny
Super Steer Upgrade

I have to ask if I have to get the front axle to do this upgrade ? can I just get the spindles and top caps(11)to do this? can the front axle I have here be machined to have the bearings set in place (2) in the one drawing I see below. Having to ship the correct axle and spindles would cost many $$ . I would love to give that a try on a few tractors I have.
Lucas Jones

From what to a 122 ?

(Will the 3 point upper and lower brakett, and the lift rod work on a 122?)


You need the whole axle...the "super steer" is built into the axle geometery....
Steve Blunier "Mr. Plow" (Central IL)

Thanks , that`s not what I wanted to hear. I think that mod will get put off till I get some of these Cubs painted and then have one sent to Frank C in Maine. Later today I will have a look at my 1512 and do what you suggested to get the slop out. I think Charlie will have to send me a kit like he posted earlier to repair mine. I think there is a grove in the bolts now. Thanks again !
Art -

Nice blower picture! I resorted to that setup, a 123/cw36 when Big Red (782) couldn't shove the snow any further/higher earlier this month...

Steering - When you're used to using sloppy steering 100's, 123's, ANY QL/82 series tractor steers like a dream by comparison, tuned up or not!
Don, shipping on a complete axle isn't bad. Should be about $15 to $20 unless you're somewhere remote.

Charlie et al., does that axle have negative caster (bottom of spindle trails the top)? Looks like it in those pictures. I have one that I haven't installed on a tractor, yet, but I think I may be planning to install it backwards.


That SS axle should have Positive caster. My SS axle came complete,right off the tractor with everything (spindles etc.) already installed.

Charlie's actually looks backwards.

My guess is that (since Charlie's axle came off of an 1811...a tractor that "shouldn't" have had a SS axle on it) the tractor Charlie picked it off of had broken an axle at some point in it's life (maybe even in shipping or at the dealer) and thre axle was replaced with a newer model axle that was "parted together" out of the parts book and then installed backwards based on the crappy parts book drawings.

This actually explains alot of things about why it was on an 1811 etc.

The geometery works "correctly" with positive caster (wheels lay over into the turn, etc).
Looks like the IH photo editing dept. was at it again. What's wrong with Art's 100 snow throwing pic??
Jerry Muncie

I think I would fit into the some what remote for shipping.

Well I did remove some tires here this am. Those old tires are so stiff and hard to remove. They won`t be going back on because of weather checking.

I also removed the fluid and tire for the wheel on my 100 so I could paint that wheel also.
Tom Hoffman

I never seen snow like that when a blower is operating.I thnk they could have found a better picture, I like the Hat LOL.
I'm not sure what you're getting at, but I know I've never cleared the driveway in a trench-coat and a "hat" like that!

Come on... Just say what you're REALLY trying to say. Charlie put the axle in BASS-AKWARDS!!!!!

Tom might be referring to the funky-airbrush job showing the snow in the middle of the thrower??
Mabey the flashing on the auger, which you shouldn't be able to see at speed was airbrushed in. If you look at the way they painted it, the right side must be spinning backwards to push snow to the center.
Correction from below

"That SS axle should have Positive caster. My SS axle came complete,right off the tractor with everything (spindles etc.) already installed."

Should read:

That SS axle should have Positive caster. My SS axle came complete,right off the tractor with everything (spindles etc.) already installed and a positive caster angle.


I never said Charlie did it, as it sounds like he took off a complete axle and reinstalled it "as-is", but given the odd circumstances and model numbers, it does seem that the axle was replaced (backwards) by someone along the way.

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