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Archive through December 17, 2007

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Jun 22, 2002
Park Rapids Mn.
Here's some info on the 1250. I won't tellya what I think they are good for.

But it would be a good all around first tractor for ya.





ANDREW - Cubbies of that vintage were used by the maintenance dept's at IHC Farmall & the IH East Moline Combine plant. They ran those things at LEAST 8 hrs/day 5 & 6 days a week mowing, plowing snow, hauling trash wagons made from four sheets of rather heavy gauge steel 4 ft X 8 ft mounted on casters that were 8 ft long X 4 ft wide X 4 ft tall....and they could couple 2-3 of them together and they held a LOT of trash. I talked to the Maintenance Mgr. and the old gear drive CC's needed clutches and brakes frequently with this duty but the Hydro's just kept going like the Energizer Bunny. Hydro's are tough. Follow the maintenance suggested in the manual and they'll last another 30-40 years.

I have been having a little difficulty starting my 1450, and the cold weather magnified the issue.

Yesterday I started tracing down the issue. It ended up being the tab on the ACR being slightly bent downward. I slightly bent it back into a parallel position as to the Cam Shaft plane.

Two questions have come to my mind.
(A) Does this bending, indicate a weakening of this tab..??
(B) Although the ACR spring was intact and in position, do these springs ever become weak and should be replaced..??

Since this area is opened up right now, I would like to cover the bases before installing the cover.

Any input or advice is welcome.
Andrew, to add to Dennis and Charlie's posts. If you have been mowing with a 100, most people wish for a gear somewhere between 2nd and 3rd, the hydro provides that variable ground speed. It is a huge plus when mowing in changing conditions, like thin grass in shade to thick in full sun.

But, I do still like my 100.
Gonna leave these guys here, just to make sure the place isn't taken over by aliens...
can you help out an old guy here? I've been scratch'n my head trying to figure out what an ACR is. please help me. thanks
Darryl ACR = Automatic compression release Hit the search at the top of the page and enter ACR, you will probaly get some good info
NOW THAT's Entertainment! Funny & true but I work with the blonde gum chewing alien, She's aged a bit....gained a few pounds and a couple wrinkles....doesn't wear Her hair up anymore....but could Be Her Body Double!
Now try to figure out how to get back on topic.... Ahhh, I got it.. I plugged the 42a up so badly today that it not only stalled the 129, but I had to use an ice spud (carefully) to unpack it... My usual technique when the "white cow flop" starts plugging is to go to ramming speed, as it usually will clear out when it's got more feeding in (typical single stage) but this time it plugged up like an 'ol hound dog that got hold of the block of govmn't cheese........
Geez, am I glad I'm not the only one that like Mars Attacks. There must be something in the genetic code that causes somebody to like that movie AND Cubs.
I found this shot in some photos my wife had me download today. The abominable snowman is Cowboy Connor and that's me wondering how the heck I broke the durn snow blade. Turns out it was a rusty weld. After 30-some years, it let go on me. Easy fix.

BTW, on the subject of chains - I let the air out, put them on as tight as possible and air them back up. I've never lost a chain.
Craig - I see how that works ... you break the blade then use Conner as a replacement blade ! Good thinking

Space Balls is still #1
I thought this little 71 looked outta' place not being able to play in the snow games.
I'll bet the barn is blue 'cause it's cold, or the barn is really blue. :cool:
Well, a picture is worth a thousand words...

The barn is sorta blue because some kids decided to paint a Jurassic Park theme on it. There is a teradactyl up near the peak and a couple of poorly rendered dino creatures painted on it. The blue was supposed to be the sky...

Sorry for my ugly mug but this was the only pic I had of the front of the barn. This was the day we unloaded the Pug...Conn and I were so pumped up we went out in our robes for a ride. It was about 40 degrees out that morning. My wife thinks I'm a couple fries short of a happy meal but me and the boy know whats up.

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