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Staff member
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Jun 22, 2002
Park Rapids Mn.
Please take a look at this link http://tinyurl.com/2pwo3u

We would like to have a "Plow for Paul" round or two or more on Friday night at Plow Day 13. Robb and I will have to decide yet on the amount per round, probably a couple of bucks or so, but the money is going to go right to Paul and his family. Give what you can... think of it like a dollar dance!

Anyways... we will try to do this on Friday, probably early evening.

Charlie, I'd be honored to send Paul a free copy of this springs Plow Day video and Photo CD(s). I just posted the same info over at WFM. Thanks for for the heads up on Paul.
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Paul Dyer
Username: Reydluap
Registered: 2-2002
Post Number: 64

Posted on Monday, April 02, 2007 - 11:27 pm: Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)
After being so pumped on getting to go back to Plow Day this year with my newly aquired 322, I will be missing it after all.

After spending the last 5 days in the hospital for a blood clot in my lung. With all the CT Scan/X-rays that was performed on me. It was discovered that I have Cancer in my left kidney for sure with more test coming.I've lost 16 pounds in 5 days. I check back into the hospital Thursday afternoon for surgery on Friday (4-5-07) to remove the kidney.

Please video and send me photo's. I'll be sure to were my Rockford PD shirt that I just bought and will be thinking of you all.

Chris Anton. Since I won't be able to meet up with you to buy the wheels/tires. Go ahead and sell them. I'll just look for another set this fall.
AlZ. Yes, I would like the weight bracket that you made for me. But I won't be able to meet up with you either. So if you have to sell it off, go ahead.If you can't get it sold, place it on the raffle table and send me a bill and I'll make it my donation to Plow Day.
Robb/Mike. I pray that the little help that I have provided you gets a great result. The two of you know what I mean. You make this sight the best in the world.
JD. I'll see you this fall in Illinois to plow on that "sweet 16".

Fellow members, Plow the hell out of that field. Have a great time and take a moment to think of us that can't make it this time.

Just in case I can't get back on the computer to chat with you all for a while. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. My wife Celina has promised to print off the postings every day and bring them to me in the hospital to read.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

Paul Dyer (reydluap)
Charlie - I was gonna try and sneak up to the PD but money has came up real short this month for me due to truck insurance and we were trying to get Kathy another car (bank declined her) but I'll part with some money for Paul's cause. I've always helped people when I could... most of the time it's always one sided but I keep helping.

You want the money mailed to you or to Paul's wife?

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