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Scrapping out CC 169

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Rene Smythe

Well-known member
Feb 18, 2022
Quite possibly junking our CC 169 as we cannot get anyone to work on it and/or adjust the transmission. I have carefully looked at the numbered items Digger sent and I cannot do any of them. Wife is now looking for used garden tractors on our Marketplace as our Yanmar is a bit too big to pull a cart where she wants to go. The Cub Cadet was an instrumental part of our two acres for over 19 years other than snapping three driveshafts, has been virtually trouble free until now...
Quite possibly junking our CC 169 as we cannot get anyone to work on it and/or adjust the transmission. I have carefully looked at the numbered items Digger sent and I cannot do any of them. Wife is now looking for used garden tractors on our Marketplace as our Yanmar is a bit too big to pull a cart where she wants to go. The Cub Cadet was an instrumental part of our two acres for over 19 years other than snapping three driveshafts, has been virtually trouble free until now...
Where are you located?
I am in Grass Valley, Nevada County, California about 50 miles east northeast of Sacramento and 22 miles north of Auburn. We have two small engine repair shops here and neither would work on it...
As she pushed the lever up to go into forward, it would snap the drivetrain. Finally got it to calm down and not clunk...
Sorry for the poor explanation;-( Kinda like 2kw force...
"Snapping"/breaking it where?, I assume that's what you mean by "snapping"
At the front coupler or the rear?
Is that what's wrong with it now?
Pull the tunnel cover and at least take a look.
Something should be evidently out of whack, mayby even something simple to fix.
Broken trunion spring comes to mind, binding things up.
Get a picture of that area so we can comment.
Dschandt I believe the gentleman is elderly and may no longer be up to working on things.

Rene I hope you don't scrap it. Hopefully you can find someone near who likes to tinker with this kind of thing and either help you or take it off your hands. Good luck.

Advertise it on Craigslist or Facebook market place maybe you can find someone who wants it?
I am in Grass Valley, Nevada County, California about 50 miles east northeast of Sacramento and 22 miles north of Auburn. We have two small engine repair shops here and neither would work on it...
It's the strict emissions... Nobody wants the liability for getting it useable again. 🤣

All jokes aside, yes, advertise it for sale as a whole unit. If you don't know how to do FB marketplace, have a younger family member post some pictures of it. If you still want to try saving it, check out a garage that would work on older vehicles. These are simple enough that anyone can work on them. Another idea is to check with surrounding high school vocational technical departments. A lot of times, they'll use things like these as projects for the kids to learn mechanical skills. You supply the parts as needed and the labor is free. 👍😎👍
please, somebody help him not scrap that 169. the boy claims that is like #2 on the most wanted list as it is the second least made in production.
5,005 units if memory serves me. Surly, someone wants it all in one piece! Scrap value wouldn't be much. Parting out would be more effort than repairing it. Lots of good advice, here. Hang on, Rene Smyth, the right guy just hasn't seen your ad, yet. :)
I so understand how age catches up to us! Those that know me from "the old forum" know how special I treated the 169 that I had. I say "had" because the time came that it was time to part with it. It left Northern Maine and went to Florida! I'll bump this post until I hear what happens. :)
5,005 units if memory serves me. Surly, someone wants it all in one piece! Scrap value wouldn't be much. Parting out would be more effort than repairing it. Lots of good advice, here. Hang on, Rene Smyth, the right guy just hasn't seen your ad, yet. :)
I am waiting! Hope someone will come along as my wife is not happy pulling her Cub Cadet trailer with our Yanmar;-(
I am waiting! Hope someone will come along as my wife is not happy pulling her Cub Cadet trailer with our Yanmar;-(
I was so happy to find a 169 when I was hot and heavy into the old Cub Cadets. I wish you could post pictures - someone would drool! :) Maine to California is a continent away, and age catches up to us. I played with this conundrum today and found Penn Valley True Value is near you. Have you talked to them? :)
I was so happy to find a 169 when I was hot and heavy into the old Cub Cadets. I wish you could post pictures - someone would drool! :) Maine to California is a continent away, and age catches up to us. I played with this conundrum today and found Penn Valley True Value is near you. Have you talked to them? :)
Thank you! My wife just told me they are on her list to call tomorrow...
All you can do is advertise it with a cut off date. If it’s not sold by then part it, ship anything you can. You will make double on the parts rather then the entire tractor anyway and scrap what you can’t sell. I’ve parted 169 models In the past it happens and you’ve got to do what’s best for you.
Sorry guys that’s just the realty you can’t keep everything.

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