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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2000
I CAN stop that damn leak and can't get in touch with anyone in authority to tell how !!!!
I've tried for 3 days.
And what makes you think they want it stopped real soon!
Well I want it stopped.
I know that European SOB at BP doesn't care but I do !
Ya know Ken, even if they have had problems actually stopping the leak, one would think someone, maybe even you, could have found a way to guide the oil to the surface for recovery! How about a 6ft in diameter nylon tube? I,m sure some manufacturer could have made one in a couple days. Maybe Charlie is right, mess up America, keep the British Isles prestine.
You know that was what was behind the idea of the "Top Hat" attempt. They wanted to recover the oil MORE than they wanted to stop the leak.
There is 12 - 19 MILLION barrels of oil in the gulf. There's a 6x22 mile oil blob under the surface heading into a canyon as it goes toward Florida that will kill all life... but who cares right
I've been watching a live feed from BP's underwater cam all week. It's mighty sickening to watch that and listen to them on tv say they've tried the "Top Kill" for 2 days and it'll be 2 MORE days before they know if it worked !
Then I hear the pres of the USA has the world's top scientist working on it ... and I CAN show them how to plug it AND recover their freakin oil at the same time.

Lucas - You're real funny.
Well golly gee wiz look at ALL those workers cleaning up the oil on the beach where the Pres was yesterday ... NOT!

I read on Fox News ticker where BP had hired @ 12 per.hr. workers to clean up the beach ... as soon as the Pres left they loaded up on buses and left too !!!

Nice little swindle you have going BP. You want to come and play games with me ? I'm fun to play with ... better bring your lunch.

I finally got smart today and faxed my oil leak fix to Gov. Jindal ... damn not thinking of that Monday !!
Of course he's going to have 100s of faxes but maybe someone will take note of mine and pass it up the chain.

A little bit of common sense can fix a world of problems ...

Well BP's underwater cam isn't working today , you think they took the week off like Congress ?
I mean the oil has been leaking for what 39 days now , why bust your ass trying to figure out a cure when you can go home and BBQ and swill beer ... right ?
Ken- You might have done just the right thing with your plan. Within three days of that wreck, that gov. had set up an advisory board of people that knew the business and situation. I've got a brother in law that was on the design, construction and rigging crew for that rig that went down. He's not a college educated engineer, just a roughneck that got really good at what he does. He later left that company over safety and maintenance issues. (lack thereof) The point is, he's good enough in his field that he got drafted onto that board, because the Gov. down there wanted answers that made sence and not just what was PC. Maybe they'll listen, and try.
I saw a email video today of two guys pitching a method of cleanup help to BP.
In a nutshell, thier idea is (and they did a demo and it worked) to take barges of a paticular blend of hey straw and blow it into the water like a blanket.
While sloshing about the oil sticks to the staw and washes to shore in oilstraw clumps and a implement combs the sand picking it up.

I can try to post a link tomorrow
Curtis - Glad he left the rig !

Jeff - I was thinking yesterday that they could use straw bales to help the booms catch oil.
Curtis - Call your brother-in-law and tell him to tell Gov. Jindal to look for my fax.

The Pres. said he had the world's best scientist working on it ... sometimes a little common sense is better than a bunch of degrees behind your name.
Ok, so we see the ROV setting there watching this plum. Do they have another one or two down there with lights to show what's going on?
It sure looks like natural light, BUT, we all know that when you get down around 2300 to 2400 ft., it's pitch black!
What they are showing now looks like it's back way off the pipe OR the cam has turned it's backside to it.
This is the main 21" broke end.
What makes BP think they can pump mud into an OUT FLOWING pipe and the mud seal it ?
Hell anybody ought to know it'll just wash out.
Some more food for thought ...
The Weather Channel (National out of Atlanta) said that there would be intense strong hurricanes this year (forget how many but several) and that it would be taking all the oil AND that TOXIC (banned in UK!) dispersant inland with the storms (I had already been telling Kathy that before I heard it).

Well here's one more thing that I haven't heard yet but remember you heard it here ...
The oil is dark and therefore will conduct more heat from the sun causing the water to heat up even more making the hurricanes even stronger in the warmer water. Spreading more death and destruction PLUS taking the TOXIC despersant inland even further killing / sickening even more land based animals and food supplies.

Now everyone go out and fill their tank at BP stations AND buy more BP stock since it's fallen 20%.

I hope they never see daylight again over this.
It seems to me that an ROV set up with the right style arm could slide an expansion test plug in and inflate it, since I know for a fact that they will handle up to 3000 PSI with no problem.
If anyone watched how they handled well fires in the middle east, they saw that a jagged or damaged pipe end was cut square, then had a new valve assembly put on ,then shut off the flow. I realize that its 5000ft down, but do they have a good piece of pipe to work with? Is this part of the problem of stopping the flow??

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