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The Cola and Peanut Wars - which is Your favorite

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2010
Farmville, North Carolina
Jeremiah Chamberlin
My apologies to Richard Palmer for hi-jacking his thread, but what I have to post seemed to fit the title he gave his thread.

For what its worth: I finally tried "salted peanuts in a dope" as Larry Carter calls it. Harry Bursell wouldn't let up on his insistence that I try this treat, and with much trepidation, I gave it a go.

Harry maintains that Coke is the better cola to mix your peanuts in, but Wayne Shytle maintains that Pepsi is the way to go, especially in North Carolina. (Pepsi originated in soda shop in New Bern, North Carolina about an hour's drive from where I live.)

I first learned about this way of eating peanuts (or drinking cola) when it was demonstrated for me in Robersonville, NC using Lance's salted nuts (Wayne's favorite) and a glass bottle of Coca-Cola, and I was specifically told I should use the Coke product.

I thought I would try both Coke and Pepsi.

I started with a glass 8 oz. bottle of Coca-Cola and a pack of Lance's salted peanuts (Harry prefers Planters' Peanuts, but Lance is more common in my area [Planters peanuts come from Virginia]).


I took a couple of swigs of Coke to make room for the peanuts and dumped them in.


It didn't taste too bad, kind of like a peanut float, the foam was a bit salty, but I couldn't taste the salt on the nuts themselves. The Coke bottle delivered just the right amount of nuts for each swallow.

The next day I tried the Pepsi. I couldn't find any glass bottles of Pepsi, only the 16 oz. plastic variety.


I poured half the Pepsi out of the plastic bottle out into yesterday's glass Coke bottle (which I'm drinking now), and took a couple of swigs out of the remainder before dumping in the peanuts --to mix the Pepsi with the peanuts in the same ratio as yesterday's Coke solution.

The Pepsi bottle did not deliver the peanuts at all well. At first I was drinking almost all Pepsi, and then I was eating almost all peanuts. In fact, I had to really tap the bottle to get the last of the nuts out.


The verdict?

As much as wanted the Coca-Cola to win the contest, I'll have to say that the Pepsi tasted better to me today than the Coke did yesterday. Sorry Harry, maybe the Coke really needs the Planters' nuts to bring out all the flavor.

However, the Coke bottle out-performed the Pepsi bottle by a long shot. Of course, I wound up with another entire bottle of cola to drink, but for a quick snack-and-go, the "peanuts in the dope" does the trick.

If you didn't catch the original discussion, see IH Cub Cadet Forum The Sandbox IH collectables Archive through September 23, 2012 at "Here." I didn't want to junk that thread up anymore with non-collectible information, so I posted here, and of course, it doesn't belong on the main forum.

So there, Larry, Harry, and Wayne, I finally tried "peanuts in my dope." I think I prefer the mix to drinking the cola straight, the mix helps eliminate the "fizzy burps."

Perhaps Richard will give it a try, since it sounds like he had to give up his beloved beer.
Jeremiah - yup, it must be the peanuts. Better get some Planters and give it another go. Glad you went ahead and tried it. Even tho you decided you prefer the Pespi over the Coke, the bigger point is it's actually a good treat!!!!
I love it, and my wife thinks I'm nuts (no pun intended):
Bummer. Somehow we lost Richard P. June 5, 2010. I'm not saying he died, just saying his profile says that was the last time he logged in. Noticed that he said he has a 129 that owns him. I can relate, as probably most of us can.

Good test, Jeremiah. If peanuts were meant to be put in Pepsi, "I was country when country wasn't cool" wouldn't have been written.

Several "adaptations" have had to occur to maintain our much beloved relationship with Pepsi and peanuts here in the south. First of all was the acceptance of plastic that replaced glass for the most part. Second was the requirement of TWO packs of peanuts to help equal out proportions with the new 16 oz. bottles. The old 12 oz. was ok but the 8 oz. with one pack of peanuts was perfect. I imagine most members here wouldn't be familiar with these old sizes much less the fact they were glass bottles. And third, we learned there was a trick to getting all of the peanuts by shaking the bottle just the right way. The salt only adds to the enjoyment too by cutting the sweetness just right. I personally like salt in my draft beer as well. I guess it adds body or something there. And Lance was the brand of choice mainly because they offered the nabbs and their famous oatmeal cake which all together made the perfect balanced meal.


Hum the song and put Pepsi in place of the word Coke. It just wouldn't fit and when writing song lyrics you gotta go with what works. Barbara Mandrell did that song with the "Possum" and I'd love to know his own preference.
Ok, at Charlie's suggestion I started this thread. There is no changing my position that Planters Peanuts and Coca Cola are the two best to put together, and make certain you post if you agree. I also wanta hear from all the Pepsi Lovers tho. So here goes - get your favorite cola out, get some salted peanuts and let us know. And by the way, to keep it on the fringe of the Forum subject, Coke has the obvious closest color scheme to IH colors. Ain't know way for Pepsi.
Peanuts and Cola? I've never tried it. Do you mix them? Or do you just put a bunch of nuts in your mouth and sip the cola? What about Salted or unsalted?

I don't drink much Coke or Pepsi so maybe I should stay out of this fight

Most of the Coke I drink has some rum in it. Would that make a difference with the peanuts?

Under Edit: I just read the other thread about putting the nuts into the bottle. I'll give it a try.
Gotta get y'all straightened out hea'....
It's Dr.Pepper in a glass bottle only,and Tom's salted peanuts...in case of emergency,you can use Coca-Cola in the the small bottles only...anything else just ain't right...y'all...
Here's how this thread got started. I originally posted this over in the IH collectibles thread, and hooked Jeremiah.

Jeremiah - ya better "un-draw" that line and give it a try. When I was a kid in South Dakota, I used to go hunting for pop bottles. I got 2cents a piece for them, and would head straight for Bartlett's Feed and Seed store. They had one of those Coca-Cola machines with the door you couldn't open until you dropped a nickel in and pushed the lever down and up. (it was the only place in town you could get a Coke for 5cents, all the rest were 10cents). I used to get my 6oz bottle and take a couple swigs, then head to the peanut machine, and for a penny I could get a small hand full of peanuts to drop in my Coca-Cola. Something about the salt on the peanuts mixing with the Coke that makes it terrific. I still do it today. You just gotta try it!!!
I learned the peanuts in a dope from my Grandmother in Waxhaw, N.C.. The first time I tried it was with a "Dixie Cola". The Dixie Cola came in 12oz bottles from South Carolina, we bought them because they were 6 cents and had 2 more ounces of dope (12 versus 10). I noticed Harry said Cokes went from a nickel to a dime where he was. My Grandmother would tell me to go to the store and get us a 6 cent(er), that meant a Dixie Cola. I remember it wasn't the best taste alone but with the peanuts and the salt it ranked pretty high to a kid with single digit age. The peanuts still had the red skin on them if I remember right, the ones we bought from a machine by the handful came that way too didn't they Harry.
Larry C - yup, that's right. The peanuts in that 1cent peanut machine were had the redskins on most of them. Never thought to much about that at the time except ever once in a while one of those red skins would get stuck on the front of a tooth and kinda look funny to your friend when you smiled after a bid sip.
Hydro Harry,

Oh contrair, shall we not forget the Cub Cadet painted red, white, and blue! I believe it was called the spirit of 76.

Everyone knows Pepsi is the best tasting.

My grandpa got me hooked on Pepsi when I was about 1-1/2 years old. I quit the Pepsi and the peanuts when all the peanuts tried to go down at the same time! Those glass bottles were just like a funnel.
you guys are too funny. I sat an read with great interest Jerimiahs twpoday experiment, and was actually hooting the whole time.Have to give him a big A for detailing his doping experiment with such gusto and flair. Who knew that cola and peanuts could/should? be mixed. I am a thinking I'm gonna pass, and just eat my peanuts and then wash them down with a Coke. lol

Oh come on Cathleen - I don't think I've ever seen or heard of a women doing it. Aren't you gonna break the ole boys on this one?
Barbara Mandrell. (Thank you, Wayne -1-18-13 8:29p)
Having grown up in Georgia, I can tell you that TOM's peanuts dumped in a 8 oz. bottle of Coke back in the 50's & 60's was about the best thing going, except for eating Muscadine's during the summer!
Throw in the back waters of the Chattahoochee River and frog gigging on the weekends and you've got a good life, and where I never saw snow until I was 11 years old, LOL

Actually RC cola was the choice drink in the day. Collect pop bottles and ride down to the Tote-A-Poke after school to stock up on the stuff your mama didn't want you to have anyway, LOL

If you grew up in Georgia how the hell did you end up in moose/bear/snow country?

I've tried Toms peanuts in my Carolina Pepsi but I don't care for the skins and Lance doesn't have skins.
I can't afford to do it with Cashews - but have tried it and they are great too!!!!

Charlie - back in the day, RC Cola was the only one to come in the really big bottles, but where I was only a few places had it. Not bad but didn't care for it with peanuts. I actually thought Coke in the little 6oz bottles was stronger (old stronger formula) than the Coke in the 8 and 10oz bottles, and the bottles are still better than the cans.
Do you mean those 16 oz. RC Cola bottles with swirling grooves on the sides of the bottle? Anyhow that's what is imprinted on my mind from my youthful days. I loved those large bottles!...