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Pot not Cigarettes !

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2000
You can't smoke cigarettes in a bar or restaurant because of secondhand smoke but you can ...

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Denver has approved a first-in-the-nation law allowing people to use marijuana in bars and restaurants.</font></font>

This country has gone down the drain !}
KENtucky, I believe the correct wording is: "The country has gone to pot."
Kraig - Naw "this" country has gone to meth !
They've all but stopped growing pot around here.
You can actually go to WallyWorld and buy Miracle Grow in the spring now !
KENtuckyKEN. I just noticed that your dog in your profile picture prefers plain cigarettes.
One nice law abiding puppy.
Not to step on a fun story of pointy headed legislation but it took all of 30 seconds to see that it only applies to edibles. Said bars/restaurants also have to show neighborhood support before they can get the required permits, and are not allowed to sell or otherwise supply the pot in question.

I personally find life weird enough without any intoxicants so if they can all be gathered into one place to partake (and kept off the roads) I'm fine with it.
Police here don't bother kids in our city park as long as they don't get violent. They say it is better than being on the streets while smokeing the pot. I can believe anything after reading the gossip that the colleges are buying their students play dough and coloring books to help with stress from the election. 13 to 20 year old kids rioting over the election is pure sick.
Let me get this straight. We have almost outlawed cigarettes because it causes cancer and millions have died because of it. Their response - we didn't know it would cause this. Now flash forward and we are allowing pot smoking and do not know what it may cause. Now flash forward 50 or so years and millions are dying from pot smoking and want to outlaw it. Really think about it. Will we ever learn.
I'm living proof of what smoking pot and drinking whiskey between the age of 15 to 20 will do to ya !
Oh and throw in 3 serious concussions !! The last one knocked my glasses almost 30 feet away.
... and pebbles tink i dis wey cauz i frum kaintuckidee
WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal health officials are taking the first step in a sweeping anti-smoking plan to drastically cut nicotine levels in cigarettes so they aren't addictive.

The Food and Drug Administration estimates its plan, first announced last summer, could push the U.S. smoking rate to 1 percent. Currently about 15 percent of adults in the U.S. smoke. Regulators estimate about 5 million additional people would quit cigarettes within one year of the new nicotine limits.

On Thursday, the agency published its formal notice to begin regulating nicotine in what's expected to be a multi-year process littered with potential obstacles.

The FDA gained authority to regulate ingredients in cigarettes and other tobacco products in 2009. But FDA's regulatory efforts have been hampered for years by legal challenges by Big Tobacco companies.

Less nicotine means they'll sell more cigarettes ... gotta have that nicotine !

Smoke 2 packs a day - now

Take 50 percent out = 4 packs per day = good for Phillip Morris / state taxes

Put 4000 percent in one cigarette = 1 cigarette per day = good for the poor people smoking
But Ken, we need them poor souls to pay their extra share of taxes with them cigarettes.

Actually, the black market will fill the need so the state won't get their taxes and the poor souls will save money in the long run!
Ummmm Chinese cigs I’m in flavor country... Szechuan province.Or Russian buts Kools...like Siberia
I buy 3 cartons of little cigar cigarettes , with shipping 3 cartons are cheaper than 1 carton of L&M here.
I don’t smoke except for the once a year cigar,but I’ve got a buddy of mine that I fish with quite a bit and he smokes Cheyenne brand cigar/cigarettes (I think those are called cigarillos) but I like the smell and those remind me any Clint Eastwood western film LOL

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