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Coffee anyone?

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
Keith LeJeune
I drink my fair share of coffee. At home I like to mix my hobbies too.


Here's one of my poorer attempts at coffee art too. The micro foam was pretty good, but my beans are getting old/stale so I didn't have much crema from the espresso pour. Still tasted good though.



So, any other Cubbers out there "into" coffee?
I too drink coffee, but not as much as I used to. With acid reflex and recurring kidney stones, I have cut back on coffee. But I still like a cup, especially on cold, winter days.

What you have there for a craft is about the size of my coffee cup.
my coffee maker claims to make 12 cups of coffee, I can only fill my cup twice befor needing to make another pot of coffee.
Keith, Yes I love a good cup of coffee. I was on a search for the perfect cup. At one time I was buying coffee beans from Africa and grinding them just before perking them. I have what I affectionately call my cowboy coffee pot. It's like you would use for camping on a fire. Hey the lights can go out but I'm still going to have my coffee.
Richard - Last time my power went out I dug out my good old perculator pot and started a wood fire and had my Cup-O-Joe and it was funny how many neighbors I had showing up looking for some in their cups too!!!!
We had a bad wind storm come through last month and lost power for day or so. I still had coffee and all I had was whole bean, a manual conical burr grinder, a whistling kettle and the french press. Thank goodness I had some propane for the grill. Good stuff.

I can buy green beans from one of the local roasting companies. I use an old hot air popcorn popper to roast them. I have to run it off of two long extension cords to draw down the power so it doesn't get too hot. I read quite a bit about it before I tried it and it works great. I can roast about a weeks worth of beans at a time. You need to let the beans rest a few days before using for espresso, so if I roast around Tuesday they are ready for Saturday morning coffee.
Keith, I like coffee! Not enough to want to roast it myself though. I do have a coffee grinder that gets a regular workout. I have a coffee press that I use camping. If I'm backpacking, to save weight I will use coffee bags or tea, no instant stuff. Nice Cub Cadet coffee cup! I have one or two just like it. I also have a couple of the "Home from the Kill" cups. I use one of them every day at work.

How do you keep the tag from getting stained brown? Do you make your coffee that weak?
Richard, sadly, I believe they are NLA. A (former? I've not see him post in ages???) forum member had a batch of them made up and they are all sold out.

Bruce, well, I take the tag out before I fill it up. That was taken when I first got the cup. I took that photo because the second cup had a broken handle. I sent the photo of the two cups and the box, note the dent in the box, to the supplier and I got a replacement.


Here's my other cups. Well one of these is still mine. The second one went to Don Dulac after his got lost/broke and he couldn't find a replacement.

I got my cup at Red Power Round Up last year. One of the IHCC chapter where selling them. I want to say it was either Iowa or Wisconsin that had them. Whoever it was also had yellow t-shirts with the Original logo silk screened on it, which I bought. I also purchased an IH hat for my son from one of the other chapters (only youth hat that was there) he was 1 yr old then, it almost fits now.

I had an idea the other day that my wife wasn't too much against. Probably since she knows me so well she knows it'll never happen anyway.
I really want to find a Cub Cadet with a rear PTO shaft and build a rotating drum coffee roaster to setup at shows and roast coffee on site and sell "Cub Cadet Coffee". There's nothing quite like the smell of fresh roasted coffee beans on a cool fall day.

Oh well, I can dream about it anyway...
Keith, if you get the grinder setup built you might want to build a Kohler stack muffler powered coffee bean roaster as well... I envision a Rube Goldberg contraption with tubing or slides where the beans gravity feed and vibrate down and around a coil from the muffler roaster back to the grinder.
That would be neat, but I don't think I'd want to drink any Cub exhaust roasted coffee... yeeuuucckkkk! Awe, the flavor of MMO in the morning!
Keith, I wasn't suggesting to use the actual exhaust gases, just the heat from the muffler.
If you built a rotating drum bean-roaster using the rear PTO on a cub, it won't work....

EVERYBODY knows those PTO's spin too slow (515RPM) and turn the "wrong" direction!!

"Backwards coffee anyone?"
Art, would backwards coffee make you sleepy? Me thinks this thread is getting derailed.
Kieth, I drink massive amounts of coffee! My wife says its technically jet fuel, but she keeps buying it for me! I usually get whole bean coffee and grind it myself, and its almost always the darkest roast I can find, more often than not it's an espresso roast. We have 3 craft coffee roast shops in my town and they all are very good at it. Market St. Coffee and Tea has a "Gaffer" roast that will energize a small army with one pound, if you would like I can send you some! I like Kona, and a few other exotic coffees as well. I dont function too well without it anymore!
Okay Kraig, that makes better sense. I was thinking about the popcorn popper method using the exhaust.

I was thinking of building a rotating drum with tumbling vanes and heating with propane flames under the drum. All run off the rear PTO with belt pulleys to take down the RPM's really slow to rotate the drum.
Then after roasting you have to cool them off pretty quick to stop the internal roasting from continuing. So, I'd have to come up with a cooler of some sort. Hmmm, another Cub hooked to a water pump running water through a large truck radiator with a fan blowing acrossed some ice and then flowing the water under a large steel sheet and spreading the beans around with a paddle to cool... It'll never happen...
Keith LeJeune, Kraig McConaughey, If either of you or anyone else sees one with the design of the Original's hood decal at RPRU I will pay you for the cups(2) shipping and a little for your time. I would really really really like to have one for "my cup".
Here's my morning cup of "Joe"...


I ran out of beans for the grinder about a week ago, so I had the wife pick up the Folgers when she went grocery shopping. <font size="-2">(It gets the job done, but it's not the same.)</font>

Where can one learn more about some of the differnt brewing methods. (I know very little about coffee and actually just got a bean grinder a few months ago, but would love to learn more.)