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Archive through January 15, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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The Canton plant is all gone now. They are starting to build a new medical technology park or something on it. A former resident has come back with a chunk of change to develop the land.

This is from several years ago and is all that was left.


the cooling fan blade on my 129 has 1 broken fin I know I Should replace it but do I really need too.
Mike and Kraig,
Thanks for the encouragement. Just when you think all is well with the world, something Has to happen! I was looking forward to working on my 70 Saturday when my boss informed me I would have to work Saturday and Sunday all day! So much for Cub restoration.
How do you keep from mixing up your parts? I have enough trouble keeping up with the parts off of one tractor. Plus it took five months to restore my last cub! If you can do two at once, you have got it going on!
My intentions weren't to tick anyone off. The hood of my 1772 says "1772 Diesel". When people ask what cadets I have, I will say a 1772D or 1772 diesel. Most people off the street not knowing cadets wouldn't know if a 1772 was gas or diesel unless they are cub fans like ourselves. I do realize on the hood of a 782 the "D" designation is there for the fact that there were also 782 gassers out too. I was just lookin at the whole situation in Don's thinking, not trying to prove right or wrong. I myself do screw up from time to time, that's how I learn some things.
Later all.
My hydro has been leaking for some time now, and I finally decided to tackle it. I suspected the cork gasket between the hydro and the differential. I was able to get the gasket out in one piece, and I can see how bad it was. If I can get the picture to attach, you should be able to see it too...
Gregory Miller
Josh S: One of the features of a forum like the IHCC forum is for members who have correct information to share it and for others who do not to learn. I tried to do just that and then the "sharpshooters" set in on me... Oh well, it is said that "ignorance is bliss" and there surely seems to be some blissful folks around here..

All one can do it try...Have a happy day.

Myron B
I for one appreciate the effort you make to provide information from the years of experience you have. I'm sure that Josh and Don (and others) understand that what you are doing in correcting something is to prevent problems down the road for people who are getting most of their information from here. The Internet is rapidly replacing EVERYTHING else as THE source of information and if you "read it on the net" , it must be true.....

In the last 10 years that I've been dropping by here, there are a few people that have provided a wealth of information, not only about the technical details of our Cubs , but the background of how the Cub was brought out and a lot of information about International Harvester itself. I hope everyone realizes what a privilege it is to have access to all of this experience... Thanks to all of you!!! (and a special thanks to Charlie for footing the bill and before him to Bryan and Bob for kickstarting this whole thing).. I hope we don't lose this hangout - I'd have to start my day eating donuts and drinking coffee....
Hi I am having problems with my 1962 cadet, the clutch has went out I have adjusted it just like
the service manual says the only thing i can get it do do is clutch in gear

-Lucas J
KENDELL - I've weaned myself down from two pots of coffee to one but will never give it up or switch to decaf. I luv maple iced cake donuts(there's a family joke in there for another time) but if the Democracy of TWO every closes this coffee shop You will find Me over at the RPM forum. There's something there for everyone, as long as it's I-H.
Kendell Ide
thanks for that and I do agree with what you had to say. It is great that we have the people on here with such a wealth of information about our hobby Cub Cadet garden tractors.Because of the way this site is run I have went from no Cubs to 10 in a few years. If it was not for this site and the information here I would not have any, I had a bolens 1660 and sold it because I could not find the info I needed to repair and operate.

Thanks Don T
Hey All,
Getting correct information is what we all are here for. But deriding someone for asking a question, or perhaps not using correct sentences, or misspelled words, improper words,
or incorrect sentence structure doesn't help them.
A little grace goes along way.
I have always been made to feel welcome here. But I have seen others who have never made another post because of the way they got responded to.
I am still a newbie here, I still have questions.
I am not a computer type guy, Never took typing in school. I was a wrestler, boxer and then a cop. AS a cop, I bacame a certified law enforcement instructor and firearms training officer.
I wouldn't be very gracious to folks who would talk to me, or others, in a tone that wasn't respectful.
. Including my fellow cops who would mistreat the public.
I took it as a compliment when after having arrested someone, they would thank me for the way that they were treated in a bad situation.

Can you remember when you first started wrenching on your first Cub?
How did you react when someone chided you about you first posts?
How did it make you feel? Did you feel like that person was really knowledgeable, or just an arrogant know-it-all?
Golden Rule still applies.

Knowledge is a gift, given, and hopefully passed on.
Some can read a book real good. But in the real world send you the wrong parts. It's easy to be theoretically correct. But not as easy to be right.
I found this forum From Yesterdays tractor, A bunch of guys started posting questions on that garden tractor page about "the forum" I think that became known as the great crash. I joined up after it was back up a while. I'd miss this place if it wasn't here.
Brad R, amen
I'm gonna let you guys hash this out back and forth for a while and then I'll make a comment.

Ok, I'll make one comment.

Tone in typing is how one perceives it, and NO ONE in the last couple years has ever slammed or belittled anyone on this forum.
Stating facts is all that's been done. NOT spoon feeding someone is NOT talking down to a person.

I've been slammed/flamed for years for giving guys just enough information to get them thinking on their own. I learned a long time ago that if you give just enough to get'um started, they will learn and retain that information to help someone else along the way.

There's been NO BTFM/RTFM for a long time, and as far as spelling goes, I for one mostly type like I talk, and could care less if I get the SPELL CHECK button slapped on me, LOL.

There's a real good reason why most all the old guys have left!

The thing is, Lighten the Hell up guys!!!!!!!!!!!

Like a good friend of mine always says,

More later if I feel like it and maybe cool off just a tad.
Or I might just say to hell with it and shut this sucker down and let everyone start their own freakin forum and try it for a while!

I should post a few emails that I've gotten over the years, just because some Asshole can't/doesn't read simple instructions.

I actually feel a little better now. Thanks
I might just go out and work on some HYDROLICS today, snicker.
My intention was not to raise your ire, and for that matter, wasn't aimed at you.
I do appreciate the time and resources you have put into this site.
As for the spoon feeding comment, That is all fine and well, if these tractors were not your primary mowing machines. When my Cub goes down, it isn't mowing, but the grass is still growing.

I don't have the time to work out a puzzle.
All I need is my cub back in service, in the quickest way possible.

It is not nice to make a Preacher want to cuss.

And when it comes to me working on a Cub, I have to bite my tongue alot.
I maybe a preacher, but I'm still a man.
I hope showing my shortcomings will lift your spirits today.
Thank You for what you do.

By the way I think I owe you some money.
Now that should lift your spirits. lol
Charlie, thanks for telling us how you really feel. I must say that since Charlie has taken over this forum, things have gotten a lot better. I left for a while because if you did ask a question, about all you got was RTFM or BTFM. There was a while that you could come her once a week and only have a page to read to catch up. Since then posting is back to a page every day or 2 and more information is exchanged freely. Yes there is still a few of the knowledgable people that have not come back or do not post very much. I miss reading thier posts of vast knowledge. Even Charlie does not post as much as he used to but I guess with the new property he does get busy and has more important things to do as do alot of us. Most of us have day jobs and do not get on here very much during the day. Charlie has let us sway from the straight line sometimes which is nice but we do get back to topic at hand, our beloved Cub Cadets. I grew up around garden tractors but still learn alot weekly and probably will until I die.
This is a great forum for learning. I've learned tons over the past couple years. I enjoy pics and questions and have been following Don's projects over the years and enjoy fab work he does as well as others. I've never set out to call people out or make waves. I guess I will remain "blissful" as some say and go to the other side of the street where things are calmer. Later all.
BTW Charlie, the site is great and Don, keep up the great work