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Archive through January 14, 2013

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2012
Cathleen McLeod
Mike, Goodness Nooooo, I would NEVER forget Meow -Meow! I mean, who can forget a kid that runs around with a loaf of bread between his legs? lmbo.!!! I wasn't aware though that you refered to him as a " sheltie " though. hahaha. I didnt know you had a sheltie, I assume you mean a DOG, so that is why I said put up a pic of your puppy on the doggie thread, or I guess you could put it here if you dare, lol. So have you had any luck with MM losing weight? Ah, Fancy isn't doing so well since the snow and ice set in. Now though the ground is pretty much clear so we could get out and walk but its pretty dang could out, so neither of us is much in the mood to go out and power walk, but I guess we should try. All day yesterday poor buddy was bummed as he wanted to go for a ride. Finally bout 3pm we broke down and took him for a ride around town and he sat inbetween us on his buddy seat, so proud, and also hopping in the backseat to get a different view from time to time. Think he was abit put out we didnt go get him chicken strips though, bu he survived. at least he got a ride. lol

I spent some time on the floor yesterday sewing up the back of the couch, after on Saturday Tootsie got in the couch and Marlin had to pull the monster out and tip it so we could get her out. She hadn't been going in, but of course she had to do it. every day I had been looking at the slit in the couch, knowing good and well one of these days she would hide and she did, so I took care of that issue yesterday. I had part of it sewn up, then Annie had to make the bitty hole that was there huge, so my first sewing job was all in vain. It was hard sewing it up too since I didnt have a curved needle but I managed and of course, Annie was front and center trying to mimic my movements to help. NOT. At least she didnt get stuck. lol.

I stopped traumatizing Annie by putting the COOTIE essences on her and am now putting the drops in the water so everyone is getting it and that seems to be working much better and everyone is giving everyone else nose beeps , so that is interesting. They almost seemed shocked at their behavoir towards each other. They beep noses then get a perplexed look, like did I just do what I think I did? hahaha.

We switched Tootsie from her bedroom to the upstairs bathroom. She got to the point where she did not want to be in her bedroom and would hide and get really upset about spending the day in her bedroom. So I fixed up the bathroom with her things, and made a bed for her in the closet with a box and a big blanket and also the bed/sack I got her that she hadn't used downstairs and the bookshelf that she sits at and keeps a watch outside and she seems to really like it. so much so she doesnt relly want to come downstairs. We have to make a point to tell her to please come down and visit with us. When we tell her that, she will come down, but if you forget, she will stay upstairs. Marlin puts drops in her water in the morning and that seems to be helping her as well, so hopefully by this coming week-end, we can reintrodcue Hannah and Tootsie. Since Tootsie hangs in her room in the evening, I guess Hannah really doesnt need to be locked up, and if Toots is downstairs she hangs on the church pew anyways. kids.!!

I finally found a litter pan online that has a high clear shield around 3 sides and an open top. I'll use that in the downstairs bathroom. Fancy loves to kick the litter out of the box, and I am soooo tired of sweeping up litter every time he uses the pan, so this new pan will save a lot of messes being created. whooopee on saving cleanup in aisle three.!!

Scott, I looked at those, but I thought it might not be big enough for Fancy to move around in since he's such a big guy? since he's such a lard butt, really, lol. seems he takes up the whole pan the way it is now, and I feel he's not going to like the restraints of the higher sides, but oh well..hahaha. but thanks for the suggestion.

I thought that too, but we got those when fuzzy, snoofs, and manny were kittens, and they we all OK when they grew up...
Jax is also a member of the lard butt kitty hall of fame, and has no issue.... the ramp coming out helps them leave any litter still attached to their paws remain in the dome...
heres a few updated pics

Brooklyne and Charlie

Mittens drinking at her favorite place

And Tim being Tim
LOL Jeff, my cat loves to drink from the sink also. He follows me to the bathroom, and jumps onto the vanity waiting for me to turn the water on.
Dave S. another sweeeet pic of the regal MS. Princess. She is just to cute..anddd WHITE. She must spend hours and hours grooming or do you throw her in the sink from time to time? lol

Jeff B, I was gonna hollar at you and ask when you were going to get recent pics of the kids and Brooklyn. The photo of Charlie snugglin up to Brooklyn is so sweet, and now she isn't alone after losing her sissy this summer, and wow, have the kids ever grown. Sweet little Tiny Tim in the cutie box is cute. thanks for the update on everyone.

Scott,I really like the look of those domed boxes, but I dont think my kids would like them since they have all grown up with open ones. We did get the new litter pan last week with the high clear plastic shields on the 3 sides( actually it is shielded on the front too, just an opening for them to get in/out of the pan,) and it is soooo nice. No more litter all over the bathroom floor!! Hooray. I put down a nubby textured placemat outside the pan, and that is cathing 99% of the litter they track out. Sweet.! I was wondering how long it would be before Fancy would think the mat was for him to cover up with in the pan, but so far he has left it alone.

Hey hey Scott..
I could not believe my eyes, I had to rub the schleep out of my eyes,so I was sscheeing good. A kitty has a
sheep to ride.? Schweeettt. That looks like it'd be fun.I know it can't go as fast as daddy and I go on the cubbies,
but for our buddies tat live in the country, a scheep will do. Tanks..my sissy's won't believe it when I show them the movie.!! tanks for sharinggg.

Found animals napping first is my "killer" pit bull "Abby" with Charlie.

then Mittens Charlie and Timmy napping


Jeff B, ahhhh, what sweet babies sleeping. I love the one of Tim all stretched out, seems Charles doesn't know that Abbyps a killer dog. lmbo.. . Nothing is sweeter then seeing babies snuggle. Always makes me want to snuggle up with them, and enjoy the quiet and peace.

A few times I had a pile up of kities. Well, two any. one day Fancy was snuggling with me on the couch, and Hannah wanted to snuggle too. I told her come on, there is a space for you behind Fancy till he decides to get up, and low and behold, Hannah found her spot, but then delighted in laying ON TOP of Fancy. He was so sweet about it, and let her stretch out on top. One of those camera moments, but no one was here to snap a pic of us piled on the couch. A few days ago, Hannah was snuggling with me and Fancy was all in a stupor as there wasn't enough room for him, he knew better then to lay on top of her, lol, as he would squish her, so he opted for laying on top of me, on my side, and hanging his head down over my shoulder and giving me kitty kisses, then big snores then he moved and layed at the top of my head, and also ON my head and the pillow. Nothing like togetherness. when Fancy lays on you, anywhere, you feel it. lol Anytime I head to lay on the couch, its a race between hannah and Fancy as to who is going to get there first and get the primo spot next to me to snuggle.

When Tootsie is downstairs she loves to sit or lay on the church pew, her spot, but when she isn't laying, she is snuggled up next to this stuffed kitty. She seems to think thats HER buddy. One day I got it and moved it on the pew, andwow, she got really upset with me, which she never gets upset, but she let me know in no uncertain terms that I was to leave her baby kitty alone. do not touch.!!! Lately we've also seen hannah sitting right next to Toots buddy too. Marlin had bought me the stuffed kitty, as it was like hannah, a tux kitty. so I dont dare more the buddy anymore

Had to lighten the pic up so you could see Tootsie, or she just looks like a blur of black

One morning we totally lost Tootsie. When it was time for her to go to her room in the morning, she was NO WHERE to be found. We upturned, overturned all the furniture, where she hides out and even places I knew she couldnt be, and nope, no sugar pie anyways. so, at the last moment, with no where else to look, I went to the kitchen drawer that had been slightly opened,and I had checked it first when she disappeared, but the drawer closed, so I thought, she can't be in the drawer or it wouldnt close, right? Well, after everything in the house was overturned, I went back to the drawers, and pulled out the middle drawer and there was Tootsie, all hunkered down in the paper sacks, with a huge smile on her face, like, wow guys, took you long enough to find me, and marlin carried her upstairs and she was purring loudly all the way..so happy with her self that she had totally eluded us for some time.

I had gotten the kids a new scratching post with a perch on it and a little ball that hangs for them to play with and no one has been using it. I made the comment last night that no one was using it and after I said that, Annie got on the seat and was digging at the pattern on of cover,,then there she was hanging over the side, playing with the ball. I thought, wow, she understood..right? I mean, she never messed with it till I said something, and then she gets busy.? seems to me she understood what I was saying.. to funny.

I was reading the sunday comics this morning and went on to read this little ditty that was at the bottem on the Marmaduke cartoon. It shared a story about a little dog, named Gomez who ate, drank an slept with the familys two kitties. When the doggie went to take a nap in the little girls lap, Gomez started purrrrrinnnng. lol.

I got a giggle out of that, and thought you kitty owners might enjoy hearing how at least one puppy has changed its alliance to the great kittydom truths. Its always best to purr when in someones lap, it'll get you far more attention.

Poor Fancy was rudely awakened from his blissful slumber last night, well Daddy too, when Tootsie, who has started a new delight, brought Fancy out of his dreams. She has taken to pulling herself back and forth along the bed frame,and last night Fancy got up and looked over the edge of the bed at her, like what the heck are you doing? and please stop. We all need to be sleeping NOW.! it didnt stop her though. again over the over she pulled herself along. I think I'll put a sheet on the floor today, to help with the rug wear she's getting on her front shoulders. That should help, better a sheet then carpet??

Our cats are 17 weeks old now and they and the mother cat have been sleeping on our kitchen table for about 3 months. We have been eating on tv trays for about 3 months. I pushed up the kitchen window and made a plug out of 3/4" plywood with a small hole and the kittens, mother and the other 2 cats, can go in and out. The mother is still nursing some, still hasn't been fixed yet.
Edward, you'll have to update us with pics of the gang.? lol. So, what we won't do for the kitties. I had to laugh at the momma has been sleeping on your kitchen table for 3 months and you've been eating off of TV trays. to cute. What's most important that the kitties get their way and are at the highest degree o comfort we can create for them, right? hahaha.

Yesterday Fancy finally tried of the kitty bed that I have on the couch. Annie has taken that over, but low and behold, I caught Fancy all snuggled in it. He fills it up. but his look was of complete enjoyment, and like why haven't I tried this before? He still seems to prefer the blanket on the couch, a creature of habit.

here Kitty Kitty. How is everyone's kids doing? Growing, getting lazy and fat, like mine? lol. I have to say that putting those 4 tiny drops of " peacemaker" remedy in their water has been amazing. Now, there aren't the conflicts between the others and Tootsi and she is once again feeling comfortable and actually sleeping with the other kids in the afternoon and evening, each one snuggled up on their own part of a couch. Peace...ah, so sweet.

I am so wishing for warm weather and the melting of the snow so Fancy and I can continue , or restart our power walks. We really got a good laugh the other day when marlin went and got some groceries, and as Fancy was helping ( really not) he decided to wander off and with one step, found himself buried up to his belly in a snowdrift. it was OMG.. how do I get out of this? He didnt venture any farther.. hahaha. Snow..bahhumbug, it takes all the delights out of life.

Jax is Chillin'

and Fuzzy is shleepin'

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