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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. D

    Need new battery

    I have swapped the batteries around between my tractors and motorcycles and generators quite a few times. So now I'm in need of a new battery for my regular use Cub Cadet. Can someone tell me what the 'correct' size or dimensions are for a battery for a Cub 106? Thanks Dave Lammy
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    volt reg issues on 108

    There is usually a large wire wound resistor mounted to the bottom of the Regulator. This is inserted into the Field Coil circuit by the voltage regulator relay opening to reduce the voltage output of the Generator. Being mounted externally to the Regulator they are vulnerable. I would guess...
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    Tractor For Sale 127 For Sale

    No it hasn't. It is sitting outside my shop as I no longer have room for it inside. It really needs to go to a better home. Dave Lamoureux OKC, OK 73165 405 Area Code & three six one - 1947
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    Snow blade foot adjuster

    ChrisClaussen, What size rubber strip did you end up using - 4" or 5 1/2"?
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    Tractor For Sale 127 For Sale

    Ray, Sorry. Send me a text at the number below and we will stay in touch. Dave Lamoureux OKC, OK 73165 405 Area Code & three six one - 1947
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    Tractor For Sale 127 For Sale

    Ray, No, I don't need it picked up right away. It can stay where it is. I am just realizing I'm not going to get to that project. You don't need to pay for them now. Send me a text at the number below and we will stay in touch. Dave
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    Tractor For Sale 127 For Sale

    Bump. Anyone interested in a rebuildable 127 with two mower decks?
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    Tractor For Sale 127 For Sale

    I have a 127 that was given to me that does not run. I wanted to rebuild it but I need to free up space in my shop. The 127 is in need of an engine rebuilt, and the wiring will probably need to be replaced. The 12HP Kohler is still in the frame, but it is partially disassembled (the head has...
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    Archive through January 04, 2009

    Hello Guys. I have two quick questions. What was the stock rim size for the rear wheels on a 106? Was there an additional size option for the rear rims? Lammy
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    Archive through October 20, 2008

    RE: Voltage Regulator Adjustment OK, I have the service manual that says adjust the cut-out volatage to 12.8 volts and the regulator voltage to 14 volts. You can't have 12.8v and 14v at the same time so my question is how do you adjust these two voltages? Lammy in Oklahoma
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    Archive through October 20, 2008

    What are the adjustments procedures for the two relays, closing voltage and regulator voltage, in the voltage regulator on a cub 106?
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    Archive through October 19, 2008

    Hello. I have a Cub Cadet tractor that I have been rebuilding here in Oklahoma. It's a 106 with a 38" mower deck. I got it running and replaced the clutch, belts, and blades on the mower deck. The only problem I have left is the charging system. The starter generator turns to start the...
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    Archive through July 31, 2008

    Kraig, thanks for the info. I did go to the CubFAQ.com page as Frank suggested. That has answered a lot of my questions. I think I have a lot more work to do than I thought. I'll keep you posted. One question for the group though. I know this is a newbie question, but, the FAQ says the...
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    Archive through July 31, 2008

    "Lammy: Welcome. Maybe I can point you in the right direction this morning. Just below the sponsor buttons at the top of the page you can click on FAQ. Then go to cubfaq.com and your question should be answered in #4." OK. I thought all Cub Cadets were GARDEN tractors. Can you tell me which...
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    Archive through July 31, 2008

    Hello. I am a new member to the Cub Cadet Forum. I have just been given a 1969 Cub cadet model 106 with the 42" mower deck. The tractor is in remarkably good condition. Everything is there (except the battery) and every thing seems to work. It does need a new wiring harness, but I was...