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  1. C

    Archive through September 17, 2014

    Hi Kraig. we are watching the seed pods as well. I dont think people think much about the extinctions, as man continues to encrouch the land. A simple little butterfly, about to be snuffed out, unless more Milk week is planted and tended to. I mistyped on the land density the Monarchs migrate...
  2. C

    Odd and not so Odd Happenings..misc

    thought I would start a new thread for odd and not so odd happenings we experience. This is one from me. About 6 weeks ago, we were taking our sunday morning drive around town with Fancy and as we came up to a corner, marlin says " theres a deer". I thought , what??? I thought he was joking...
  3. C

    Archive through February 02, 2014

    Wayne, I was a thinking and thought I needed to address your worries with Barney staying gone and it worrying you. I'm sorry for joking with ya, as I KNOW it really bothers and worrys you when Barney goes missing on you and won't come when you call. I dont know how to remedy that, but I would be...
  4. C

    Archive through January 17, 2014

    well David, I guess if I look hard with my troubling eyes, I can see the grayness to her white coat. She does have a fan club, for sure. How old is she? is she the momma to any of your indoor kids? It seems like you can get your kids to " pose" on a moments notice..BJ and Princess seems to be...
  5. C

    Happy NEW Year everyone

    Peeking out to wish everyone a GREAT New year..may 2014 offer you success in all you wish to achieve in this new year and may goodness be the warming winds on your backs that nudge you ever further to your dreams.. Cath, Marlin and the Kitties
  6. C

    Archive through December 30, 2013

    well winter 2013-2014 will surely break some of the record for" coldest" temps in our history books.!! Its been so cold HERE that the line to my dishwasher has been frozen up 7 of the last 10 days~ nothing like loading the dishwasher then having to unload dirty dishes and do them by hand...
  7. C

    The NRA-Gun Rights- Finding Solutions

    Since the "ammo shortage thread "has taken up the topics of gun rights and more, I thought maybe a new thread to discuss and share our personal thoughts and solutions to the problems might be shared in this thread, since it ihas moved beyond not being able to finding ammo. What I am...
  8. C

    First Day Of Spring'13 Is March 20th

    well well, so Phil the groundhog did a miserable job of predicting a ' early ' spring this year. Is it really spring where anyone is? Yep, Today, March 20th, 2013 IS the first day of SPRING. Here in Iowa it is freezy breezy 17 right now and tonight the low is suppose to be in SINGLE...
  9. C

    Archive through February 12, 2013

    This morning I was making pancakes for breakfast and suddenly there was this very LOUD and forlorn crying/meowing of a kitty coming from outside my kitchen window. That really upset me. I stepped outside and called kitty kitty, but no kitty came and after that it didnt call out again. It sounded...
  10. C

    After the Snow ..I found..??

    Well, we had the big storm on Wednesday,and got 7" of snow, and with the strong winds, it left spots with hardly any snow and then good sized drifts in other places, but I was surprized when I went to put clothes in the dryer the next day and had SNOW in the dryer screen. What? how in the world...
  11. C

    Archive through January 14, 2013

    Mike, Goodness Nooooo, I would NEVER forget Meow -Meow! I mean, who can forget a kid that runs around with a loaf of bread between his legs? lmbo.!!! I wasn't aware though that you refered to him as a " sheltie " though. hahaha. I didnt know you had a sheltie, I assume you mean a DOG, so that...
  12. C

    Why does plumbing act UP during holidays and week-ends?

    I knew we were headed for a plumber to come out and run the sewer line but with the holidays I was holding my breath and hoping it would not back up on Christmas day. ( I use to work for a sewer comp, so I can judge what is going on with the lines..lol) The sink in the downstairs bathroom was...
  13. C

    All Things Deer

    With the photo's that Kraig has been sharing of the deer he's been catching on film, Deer season is upon us, right? I thought I would start a thread of all things deer. Deer Stories, pics etc. When I was with my Ex, he was an avid deer hunter. I looked forward to every deer season and him...
  14. C

    Marlin H taken to Hospital via Ambulance sunday Aug. 5th

    I thought I would add this thread here. I put in on the cat board, but many may not read that, so thought perhaps I should put it elsewhere so more can read this. I thought you would want to know how Marlin was and is now. I(Cathleen aka Angel) had to call 911 at 2:24am this morning(aug 5th)...